How old are my chicks?


May 7, 2020
I got my chicks from tractor supply the day they came in (I was calling everyday to see if they had a shipment). I know Barred Rocks grow more quickly, but I don’t want to put them outside full time and risk it being too soon. We have had weather outside in the 90’s in Arizona during the day and nighttime’s range from 50-75.


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I got my chicks from tractor supply the day they came in (I was calling everyday to see if they had a shipment). I know Barred Rocks grow more quickly, but I don’t want to put them outside full time and risk it being too soon. We have had weather outside in the 90’s in Arizona during the day and nighttime’s range from 50-75.
I'm glad I found your post. My chicks look the same from TSC and also are Barred Rocks. I was wondering about they're age. I've had them for about 10 days. I wish mine were that loving! lol. They coward in the corner when I try to pick them up. If I sit with the door open and don't move much, they do come closer. I thought mine might be close to 3 weeks.

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