How to deworm flock?

Nov 6, 2023
I recently learned about the importance of deworming chickens but am unsure of how to begin. I have a flock of 20 chickens. Which dewormer is recommended, and is it possible to create a homemade dewormer? As I am new to raising chickens, any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Thank you,
The easiest is to use Valbazen 1/2 ml (0.5 ml) for a 4-6 pound chicken given orally once and then repeat that in 10 days. It is mostly sold online for sheep and cattle. SafeGuard liquid goat wormer or the horse paste is 10% fenbendazole and easier to find at most feed stores. Dosage is 0.25 ml per pound given for 5 consecutive days which will treat the same worms as Valbazen. If you give it once and again in 10 days, SafeGuard will only treat roundworms. A simple way to dose your chickens is to go out just before daylight, and take each one off the roost. Medicate them and set them down to go outside.
SafeGuard Aquasol for about $280 can be put in the water for 5 days, but only treats roundworms is one. WormOut Gel is one I have used, and it is used for 2 days. You can find it online as well. You could ask your vet to test some fresh droppings for worms and what type for about $35. When you use a wormer in the water, they may or may not get the right dosage. Both Valbazen and SafeGuard goat wormer and horse paste will settle out if you mix them in the water. They are best used orally for each chicken.

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