How to keep a rooster out of my yard


9 Years
Oct 9, 2015
hello all well I got a problem. There’s a pretty black rooster that keeps coming in my yard and making my hens uncomfortable. He just flies right over the gate. He’s not an aggressive rooster. He’s pretty sweet. I just have one hen that was hurt really bad back in September by a raccoon. Killed two of my other hens and she still healing. Her bottom is red and I’ve been trying to take care of that. I’m not sure why I read that if you put marigolds or lavender around the area that that will deter them they don’t like the smell I can try that, but I have a large yard and that might be very costly for me. I kind of feel bad because Dogs killed a few of his hens. And now he probably doesn’t have not enough hens. I will not be mean to an animal. His owners said to just kick him. I can’t do that. Any suggestions would be appreciated.. The image is of the hand that got hurt really bad. I’m amazed she made it, but I babied her and took care of her for 3 to 4 months.


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If the owners don't care, it is very easy to trim his feathers on one wing and then put him back over the fence. He won't be able to fly aas high. You just trim the longer feathers a few inches with scissors.
If the owners don't care, it is very easy to trim his feathers on one wing and then put him back over the fence. He won't be able to fly aas high. You just trim the longer feathers a few inches with scissors.
Thank you that’s a good idea but there’s two reasons why not number one these dogs across the street get out quite often. The police have been called Animal Control. They killed half of his flock. That’s why he’s coming over to my house and he wouldn’t be able to get away as fasthis feather was trimmed. And this rooster is very fast and we’re senior citizens, but thank you for the information.

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