How to keep chickens calm?


10 Years
Apr 8, 2013
Labadie Missouri
I have had chickens for a little over 5 years now. We just recently got a coop that I can walk into. The chickens are all successfully moved into the new coop now and roosting there at night at their own free will. ( the roosts are high off the ground but come up to about my shoulder) But when ever I go in there before I let them out they seem to freak out or be scared and all 17 of them go to the corner farthest away from me and huddle up. How do I get them to not be so “chicken” and calm them down, will they get used to me going in and out and eventually not freak out? Any tips are welcome.
Talk to them as you approach long before you open the door.
When I have to check mine at night I know they can hear my footsteps on the ground. I don’t want them to freak out so...I start saying “it’s only momma” the whole way to the run.
Also I’m kinda hoping Iffin some other critters are out they’ll hear me too! Best wishes
I have a walk in coop too, when I open the door I always talk to them, but the roost in mine isn't very high, it's only about 3 foot off the ground.
I'm new to BYC keeping but I had it low to save them having to jump/fly so high, to my mind it's just a roost and that's what they like.

You could also try crouching down as you first go in as well then you are not as big to them, not sure if that will work it's just a thought.

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