How to keep my little chicks safe from possible virus?


11 Years
Jun 1, 2013
West Virginia
Hi. I really need help. I got four baby chicks at the feed store last week and they are very healthy and happy and their little Bruder in my upstairs bathroom however, on Saturday I had one of my older hands come down sick. I took her to the vet today and she is not egg bound, but she is having diarrhea. Her comb is still red and she’s eating a little but not drinking much. I have her in isolation in the basement. The vet swabbed her throat today to send off to our department of agriculture to make sure she doesn’t have anything more serious like bird flu. But she does suspect Marek’s which I think might be unlikely and a four-year-old hand who has been very healthy and every other bird in my flock is very healthy. I suspect she got into something that doesn’t agree with her, but anyhow. I have to take care of the birds outside the bird in the basement and the birds and the Brooder. How do I keep my Littles safe? I am changing my clothes between each set of birds and washing my hands like crazy. Is that enough? I’m also wearing gloves on my hands. I would welcome any suggestions at this point. My baby chicks are not vaccinated for me, but I got them from a very good hatchery and my flock is a closed flock. We haven’t had any new birds in my flock for four years.

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