How to plant hanging upsidedown tomatoes Anyone????

Cackling Hen

Just Scratching Around
10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Port Angeles Wa
I need a idea instead of 5 gallon buckets. I will use the buckets if I have to, can you show me how you grow a hanging tomato plant. There are many instructions online to make hanging tomato plants out of 5 gallon buckets, but I think they are ugly (no offense meant). I had tomatoes in my ground garden last year, but i had a very hard time with tomato bugs. I also never go one ripe tomatoe
. The best solution I could think of was to hang them
I also have a short growing season here in Wa Thanks Oh and pictures would be great
or links
Sorry - no idea - you're a step ahead of me, but I'm curious to know if anyone else has any ideas. I see the hanging tomato things in the store all the time but they are $10 which makes them expensive tomatoes if you only end up with a few. I'd love to know of a way to make my own hanging planter without having to spend that initial $10.
Get a bucket and cut out the bottom, leaving about a 2 inch border. Take the bucket lid and cut a circle the same size as the inside of the bucket bottom.

Cut out a 2 inch hole in the center of the lid piece.

Slit from the edge to the center circle. Put your tomato in the center circle, opening the slit to get it around if needed. Hang your bucket and set the tomato with the collar upside down in the bucket. The 2 inch border you left in the bucket bottom will hold it in place. Fill with soil.
Tomato bugs fly so hanging buckets won't help.....
Try planting marigolds alonside the tomato plants.

Also, have you ever tried lifting a bucket of dirt? You'll need a pretty hefty support system to hold it.

I have a "Topsy turvy" thing, one for tomato and one for peppers. I havent tried it yet.
I have seen it done and I am going to try it soon here.
you take a hanging flower pot the kind you see at Wal-mart or Lowes take off the plastic hanger and use aNylon rope thick but yet small enough to fit in to the holes then in the bottom where the water drains to take off the bowl that hols the water but hang onto it will use it later. now you flip the planter upside down and run the rope all the way around the planter and up though the holes wrapping it around the clip where the plastic handle was at, now at this time would be a great time to put your plant into the circle where the water drains out at.
While holding the plant in place flip the planter rightside up fill it with dirt almost all the way to the top now in the top plant some Bell peppers or hot peppers of your choice or even a lil thing of cherry tomatoes put the rope throught the S hook and hang from a med high spot in the sun keep watered and before you know it you have fruit.

Good Luck and have fun
I have one of those topsy turvy things. I tried it last year, but the plant just didn't thrive. it turned upwards FAST(like plant growing up towards the sun)! it was a smaller plant when I first put it in there so I thought that was my problem. Oh and its also more convinient for deer!
So this year I got an already floweing plant and 2 weeks later it was already culed and growing upwards! I wonder how they got it to grow so good on the infomercial?!!!

DBF's grandparents tried it too.. they had the same probs, so I'm not going to attempt any more upside down plants.. plus the topsy turvy has holes for the water to drain and it drips down the plant and makes it look 'sad'! I'm not over watering as you have to put that much to make it reach the bottom(the roots!) not recommended by me!

ETA: talking about tomatoes.
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First off the Informerical is just that so what they more then likely did was grew it in a pot till it was full and ready then took it out of the pot and hung it in the Topsy Turvey deal well either that or they hung it up with a grow light on the floor.
second you could be over watering the first sign of water at the bottom of it stop watering or just get a water globe thing they claim that you will never have to worry bout watering again (yeah right) other then that I have no idea what you were doing wrong.

It may have grown up toward the sun because you didn't have it in an area that got sun from all around it I have seen other peoples and they grow straight down but they have them hanging in weird places so maybe that is why I grew upward toward the sun.
Use one of the hanging baskets that use either the coconut or compressed moss liners. Cut an opening in the bottom of the liner to line up with the gaps in the wire basket. You end up with 2 plants in one basket, 1 up and 1 down. The glass watering bulbs work great to keep them watered. I've seem 4 plants done in the larger baskets that look good but no idea how good they grow that way.
Edited for spelling
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