How to prepare geese for freak heat wave?


May 28, 2024
We're getting a rare heat wave in the 100sF this week and I have three goslings 5 week and two 3 1/2 week). It's my first time raising them, especially in such high heat, and I have a few questions!

Their brooder is in the shade near our house, open fence door but basically a big rectangular box. Is it alright to keep them in there during the hottest part of the day or should I let them graze? The hardest part is that they're so bonded to me that they won't really wander off or eat unless I'm there and I can't realistically watch them all day.

For water they have a large feed dish, probably big enough to swim in, but I haven't seen them do that yet. We also have a kiddy pool I might be able to drag near the brooder but likely not realistic.

I know geese don't do well in the heat (I don't either) but how worried should I be?
They should be in the shade as much as possible, and preferably on grass which generally is cooler. Provide shallow pans of water that they can get into, and they should be okay.

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