How to tell the gender of my Khaki Campbell ducklings?!?


Feb 27, 2019
I recently got two (I’m pretty sure) Khaki Campbell ducklings. They’re very wild. They love to run around. Anyway I would love to know they’re gender. I’m hoping for a male and a female. I don’t want to vent check. One is larger than the other. I do not know they’re age either. I just know the store got ducklings the 3rd of April. One has a darker colored head.
Most ducklings are shipped when they are only a day or two old and still living off the yolk sac. So yours are probably only around a week old. I am not sure if you saw it, but I answered your other post about how to tell the gender of Khaki Campbell’s but it won’t help until they are older. PirateGirl is right, voice sexing will be your first clue. I was sure I had picked out a girl and a boy with my first two ducklings. One was small and loud the other large and quite. The little one turned out to be a drake, the big one a hen, opposite of what I thought!
Note: I was not the grammar police, and that comment was ridiculous!

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