Howdy from Ryland (Huntsville), Alabama!


Aug 28, 2024
Hi everyone! My name is Sue.

We are new to having chickens, although my husband had ducks when he was younger. The closest we ever had to anything outside of the "normal" pets were snakes and lizards.

We got our first set of chicks on December 9, 2023 (well, we didnt, Santa sent them with his elves), and it was all downhill from there! I swear, they're like a gateway drug🙃!

Right now, we have 45 chickens, ranging from 5 to 9 months.

We have Australorp, Golden Comet, Speclles Sussex, Isbar Easter Egger, Olive Egger, Silkies, Dominique, Leghorn, Brahma, Copper Maran, Turken, Buff Orpington, Crested Polish, Black Sex Link, Barred Rock, Ameraucana, and Saphire Gem (I think theres more but I cant remember!)

I love that they each have a different personality- they crack me up. I also love knowing that the eggs we get from them are SO much more healthy than what we were getting at the store.

Aside from trying to handle life with little ones, i like to garden and craft, although time is never on my side!

I am a nurse by profession, but hoping to be able to leave and become a real farmer in the not so distant future 😁.
My husband, 3 kids (2, 5 & 19) and I moved to Alabama from New Jersey last June to get away from the insanity up north and finally be able to have our animals. The only regret is not having done it sooner!
Right now, we have our chickens, 3 cats, 2 dogs, 3 goats (1 is preggers!) a bunch of Mollies, a betta fish named Bob and we will have 3 Julianna piggies in 2 weeks!

I came across the BYC forum any time I was googling questions about the chickens. Should have joined months ago! No matter what I was searching for, the best answers always came from here!! I'm so happy to be a part of this community! If you're local to Northern Alamaba or right over the river in Tennessee, send me a message!


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Hi everyone! My name is Sue.

We are new to having chickens, although my husband had ducks when he was younger. The closest we ever had to anything outside of the "normal" pets were snakes and lizards.

We got our first set of chicks on December 9, 2023 (well, we didnt, Santa sent them with his elves), and it was all downhill from there! I swear, they're like a gateway drug🙃!

Right now, we have 45 chickens, ranging from 5 to 9 months.

We have Australorp, Golden Comet, Speclles Sussex, Isbar Easter Egger, Olive Egger, Silkies, Dominique, Leghorn, Brahma, Copper Maran, Turken, Buff Orpington, Crested Polish, Black Sex Link, Barred Rock, Ameraucana, and Saphire Gem (I think theres more but I cant remember!)

I love that they each have a different personality- they crack me up. I also love knowing that the eggs we get from them are SO much more healthy than what we were getting at the store.

Aside from trying to handle life with little ones, i like to garden and craft, although time is never on my side!

I am a nurse by profession, but hoping to be able to leave and become a real farmer in the not so distant future 😁.
My husband, 3 kids (2, 5 & 19) and I moved to Alabama from New Jersey last June to get away from the insanity up north and finally be able to have our animals. The only regret is not having done it sooner!
Right now, we have our chickens, 3 cats, 2 dogs, 3 goats (1 is preggers!) a bunch of Mollies, a betta fish named Bob and we will have 3 Julianna piggies in 2 weeks!

I came across the BYC forum any time I was googling questions about the chickens. Should have joined months ago! No matter what I was searching for, the best answers always came from here!! I'm so happy to be a part of this community! If you're local to Northern Alamaba or right over the river in Tennessee, send me a message!
Welcome. Thank you for the pictures. Is that a barred olive egger in picture 4?
Were not really sure! Lol i was told ahe was an australorp mix but she looks more like a Dominique or barred mix . She had an impacted crop so she was inside for 2 weeks after i opened her. Shes my little snuggler now lol
She looks like my Penny. Penny is a confirmed barred olive egger, but she is handicapped. Penny cannot walk and I have to feed her and give her water. Their faces look the same.


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