Humane poison to kill chicken.


In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2020
Anyone know of humane poison to kill a chicken? Something that will make it sleep then death. Both it's eyes have been pecked out by the others. It's just a mess. I cannot bring myself to cut it's throat or use an axe. We will not be eating it.
Put it in a cardboard box and cut a small circle in the box. Put the exhaust pipe from your car in the circle .....
I have no experience raising chickens, but if the animal is suffering you need to put your inhibitions aside and put it down. They are small animals and you can kill it with your bare hands by pulling it's head off. Smashing it's head with something is violent but it would be "humane". I'd personally not cut it's throat if you're not eating it. I'm an animal lover too, but sometimes you have to pull the trigger.
Do you know someone who will do it for you? I know it's not pleasant, but it's an unfortunate aspect of animal husbandry, and it may be an empowering experience.
Yeah I will kill for food, that's my line. Don't kill after that, it's not empowering in the slightest. But no, dad did this stuff for us but no one can travel here.
Anyone know of humane poison to kill a chicken? Something that will make it sleep then death. Both it's eyes have been pecked out by the others. It's just a mess. I cannot bring myself to cut it's throat or use an axe. We will not be eating it.
How old is the chick?
If 3 weeks or younger the article below will help you.
If older, then a knife or even cervical dislocation would be quick.

I'm sorry you are dealing with this, but if the chick needs to be put out of it's misery, then it needs to be done.

No one likes to put a little one down. But you have to put your emotions aside, be responsible and do the job.

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