Humidity - Are the eggs toast?


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2024
Are my eggs toast? 😭 I have 12 eggs in the incubator, starting day 3....A friend told me to leave the vent closed, well doing some reading and the humidityhas been way too high, 75-77% - I've opened the vent and it's dropped 10%, but are the eggs damaged from too much humidity from day 1 till now or can I turn this around?
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Humidity is not as big of factor in egg failure, compared to temperature.
Adjust your temperature to be correct.
For lockdown,,,,,, day 18 to 21, Higher humidity is desired.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Oh my gosh, thank you so very much - I was about to be very devastated 💔 Temperature has been correct since they entered - thank you again! Now I can go to sleep 😴😰

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