Hurt wing


In the Brooder
Aug 13, 2024
My one year old welsh harlequin Sandy has a hurt wing. My guess would be from our Rouen drake sparky mounting her, but really not sure what happened. We have a flock of the two above and 6 chickens from last summer, and then three more ducks and a goose this summer. Her wing was hanging low starting a couple of days ago. She seems fine other than that, but she has stopped laying eggs. She also stopped laying when she had a small foot injury that we treated this spring. The “elbow” joint is swollen, but it’s not hot or soft. Just feels bigger than the other wings joint. I read that it could be dislocated, but I’m not sure if it will correct itself or what to do. Tyia for any suggestions


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My one year old welsh harlequin Sandy has a hurt wing. My guess would be from our Rouen drake sparky mounting her, but really not sure what happened. We have a flock of the two above and 6 chickens from last summer, and then three more ducks and a goose this summer. Her wing was hanging low starting a couple of days ago. She seems fine other than that, but she has stopped laying eggs. She also stopped laying when she had a small foot injury that we treated this spring. The “elbow” joint is swollen, but it’s not hot or soft. Just feels bigger than the other wings joint. I read that it could be dislocated, but I’m not sure if it will correct itself or what to do. Tyia for any suggestions
I have a drake who has a leg which seems sort of like your wing. What do you feed her? Has she suffered any injuries related to her wing?
I have a drake who has a leg which seems sort of like your wing. What do you feed her? Has she suffered any injuries related to her wing?
None that we know but they are under bushes and foraging so it could have been from a lot of things. We feed them a good 20% protein mixed flock feed. Lots of scraps and treats and foraging
None that we know but they are under bushes and foraging so it could have been from a lot of things. We feed them a good 20% protein mixed flock feed. Lots of scraps and treats and foraging
Ill copy and paste some information which may help you:

A duck's wing can droop and swell for a number of reasons, including:
  • Angel wing
    Also known as "slipped wing", this condition occurs when a duck's wing feathers grow faster than its muscles can support. It's usually caused by an imbalance in diet, such as too many calories or too much protein. To treat angel wing, you can try feeding growing ducks a lower protein diet, making sure they get enough exercise, and keeping them out of hot conditions.
  • Broken wing
    If one wing is droopy, it might be broken. To check, you can pull out the other wing and see how it snaps back into place. Then, pull out the droopy wing and see if it snaps back close to the body. If it doesn't, it might be broken. You can also look for open wounds, swelling, bruising, or bones sticking through the skin.

  • Other causes
    Other causes of wing droop include:
    • Infections: Such as bacterial or fungal infections, like aspergillosis
    • Metabolic issues: Such as gout
    • Nutritional issues: Such as calcium deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, or an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus
    • Toxicosis: Such as lead, zinc, aflatoxin, or herbicides and rodenticides
    • Physical issues: Such as trauma or brachial plexus avulsion
    • Disease: Such as botulism or coccidiosis
    Perhaps some of this may help you

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