Hutch/pen/aviary: egg production?


Mar 6, 2024
Hey all,

I currently have my quail in a sort of hybrid hutch/pen that has both solid and hardware clothed sides, and a 3 piece hinged flip open lid style. I am looking at changing to an aviary style enclosure, and adding more birds. Does one style of keeping lend itself to better egg production? I have heard folks say that if the quail feel too exposed, they will lay less and spook easier.

I am planning on doing a square panel fence hoop style enclosure with a tarp top roof, and corrugated steel panel 2/3' up the sides of the enclosure. Would this keep the quail feeling safe enough to not affect egg production?

Just wondering everyone's experience with multiple enclosure types as it pertains to egg production.

Thanks everyone!
When I kept quail in an aviary I had no issues with egg production. Just make sure it’s either tall enough to walk in or low enough they can’t fly too high and crack their skulls. An aviary will require that you hunt for eggs in a bigger space, but my quail seemed pretty darn happy in there. Have fun with it, provide lots of cover for them and you should be good to go.
My quail are in an aviary type setting and seem so happy. They really enjoy digging around the ground. All my girls are laying daily. I use flower pots and storage bins turned upside down as hiding places so they feel safe. I find if the hens are happy they'll keep laying.

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