Hydrometer battery and Mama heating pad


Jan 14, 2018
Kansas City, Missouri
i have an incuview. Chicken eggs are to start lockdown today. The hydrometer battery in it just died. Can I change it before locking them down without harm? Well I set the eggs in the incuview on Jan 9th.
Also I don’t remember what setting I used for Mama heating pad last year. I think it was setting 1 with 2 1/2 inch rise on one side and 4 inches on the other.
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oh shoot, some already pipped. I hope my egg turner turned iff automatically. I’m worried about the humidity but can’t open now. It should have been at 40 percent last night and today. I’m upping it now and will wing that.
44E001E7-C0D9-41D2-9FBA-D86CAA11E0F4.jpeg 22C54D60-52AC-4C7E-889B-1EC34914BE69.jpeg Two hatched so far. I was really worried they had pipped and the humidity was low. Household was in a ruckus the past couple of days. I hadn’t cut off the egg turner until yesterday and they decided to make an entrance. Welcome to the world to (so far) two Barred Holland babies Another is zipping.
My first from eggs here at home.
View attachment 1668020 This week was busy!! Update on the chicks. All 8 hatched and are doing fine. A low setting of 1 for my heating pad brand was comfy for them. I wasn’t expecting everyone to hatch. Now I have to build a bigger pen until they can be moved, lol.
Wow, surprised that setting #1 was enough....must be warm in your house?
Get that controller off the floor before it gets covered with juicy poops.

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