I’m worried my rooster will kill my hen by over mating? How will I know before it gets to this point?


Jun 16, 2020
I’m worried my rooster will kill my hen by over mating? How will I know before it gets to this point?

I have Australorps and my rooster is only mating one of my hens and she is bauld on the back. I have started putting hen Saddles on them to protect her and did the rest so they wouldn’t pick on her if she was the only one with the back protector.

I have recently heard that roosters can mate a hen to death and now I am so worried this might happen to mine. Does anyone have any experience with this? Advice would be much appreciated 👍🏻
I’m worried my rooster will kill my hen by over mating? How will I know before it gets to this point?

I have Australorps and my rooster is only mating one of my hens and she is bauld on the back. I have started putting hen Saddles on them to protect her and did the rest so they wouldn’t pick on her if she was the only one with the back protector.

I have recently heard that roosters can mate a hen to death and now I am so worried this might happen to mine. Does anyone have any experience with this? Advice would be much appreciated 👍🏻
My simple answer.
Get rid of the rooster
You might consider letting the rooster go if you can. Roosters ruin the whole chicken experience for a lot of people, and some birds just don't fit in a particular set up and will do much better in another flock.
So many people have said that. I was hoping he would mate with all of them and then therefore he could stay but I’m worried about him killing this particular hen. Has anyone ever heard of this happening?
Good Questions!

Also how big is your coop and run, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics would help immensely here.
Places the girls can get away from the male can help a lot.
They usually have a two acre paddock but it’s currently lockdown in the uk for all birds because of avian flu so currently they are in a 8m x 3.5m run
My simple answer.
Get rid of the rooster
Yes a lot of people have said that I was hoping he would start mating the other hens and this would have solved the problem and then when they are all allowed back out he would be able to protect them all

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