i am very confused


Sep 24, 2023
hello i have been breeding barnevelders since january and i’m not sure why this has occurred and i don’t even know how to explain i will upload pictures tomorrow. i have got a splash rooster and double silver laced hens and every time i hatch i get blue laced red barnevelders, for whatever reason i gave my friend some eggs from my flock and they hatched out with white stripes all except one which was like the normal ones we had been hatching . i incubated back to back and hers hatched in between and mine came out yellow with barnevelder chick pattern (just like a normal splash) but then also had white stripes and then one came out normal. there is a chance they could be out of my lavender auracana rooster but all his chicks have black legs and these ones have the yellow legs. if anyone can explain this i could just be chance but i have hatched a lot from this flock and never seen this, i could just be chance but i dint understand
Let me just break that down. I have a splash rooster and Silver laced barnevelder hens is it normal to get different colours. just confused because u have never hatched a splash chick in my 9 months of doing this and then suddenly hatch 4/5 splash
I'm mostly waiting for pictures.

i will upload pictures tomorrow.
I think that will make some things much more clear.

every time i hatch i get blue laced red barnevelders, for whatever reason i gave my friend some eggs from my flock and they hatched out with white stripes all except one which was like the normal ones we had been hatching . i incubated back to back and hers hatched in between and mine came out yellow with barnevelder chick pattern (just like a normal splash) but then also had white stripes and then one came out normal
Did your friend hatch any other eggs around that time? Or could they have mixed up which eggs actually went into the incubator? That would be one of the easiest explanations: a mixup about which chicks came from which eggs.

Also, I see you mentioned the hens and the rooster, plus another rooster. Do you have any other hens as well? Mixing up eggs can be easy to do, and it saves time to double-check that before thinking too hard about the genetics involved.

there is a chance they could be out of my lavender auracana rooster
Please include a picture of him too, if possible.
I'm mostly waiting for pictures.

I think that will make some things much more clear.

Did your friend hatch any other eggs around that time? Or could they have mixed up which eggs actually went into the incubator? That would be one of the easiest explanations: a mixup about which chicks came from which eggs.

Also, I see you mentioned the hens and the rooster, plus another rooster. Do you have any other hens as well? Mixing up eggs can be easy to do, and it saves time to double-check that before thinking too hard about the genetics involved.

Please include a picture of him too, if possible.
other hens i have lay white eggs i am going out to take pics now
sorry for the quality of chick photo but that’s how this exact hen with the exact same parents looked when she hatched(i did not incubate her eggs as her and her sisters only started laying last week). and then you can see my hens and roosters (obviously i have more hens they all look like this and then i have some australorps mixes and they lay cream eggs). and last photo is the chicks i hatched yesterday


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there is a chance they could be out of my lavender auracana rooster but all his chicks have black legs and these ones have the yellow legs.
All the Barnevelders have single combs. All of their chicks should also have single combs.

Chicks from the Araucana rooster should have a pea comb, and probably muff/beard on their face as well.

So if you are sure that all the eggs come from barnevelder mothers, you can probably sort out the fathers by looking at combs and checking for puffy cheeks (muff/beard.)

i have some australorps mixes and they lay cream eggs
So you are sure of which hens laid the eggs, because of the color of the eggs? I'll assume you are correct there.

i have got a splash rooster and double silver laced hens and every time i hatch i get blue laced red barnevelders...i have hatched a lot from this flock and never seen this
How many total chicks are we talking about here?

...every time i hatch i get blue laced red barnevelders, for whatever reason i gave my friend some eggs from my flock and they hatched out with white stripes all except one which was like the normal ones we had been hatching .
I see chicks with dark and light stripes on their backs. Are you talking about whether those light stripes are actually white rather than being yellowish or tan or something like that?

That might just be normal variation, maybe from chicks with a different mother than the previous ones (if the hens were taking turns with who is laying and who is molting at what point).

Some color difference might be from chicks being gold (like the father and the blue laced red pullet) or silver (like the mother). If the father is gold and the mother is silver, you should get sexlinked chicks: gold daughters and silver sons.

You might want to mark the chicks in some way and track which colors of chicks match up with which colors of adults. Colored legbands are one way to mark the chicks, along with either pictures or written notes. One way to label chick pictures is to write a note on a piece paper, then stand the chick on the paper to take the picture, so the note is visible in the picture too (the note might be "red legband chick" with the date, or something equally obvious.)

I have a splash rooster and Silver laced barnevelder hens is it normal to get different colours. just confused because u have never hatched a splash chick in my 9 months of doing this and then suddenly hatch 4/5 splash
If a chicken has one gene for blue feathers, all the black in their feathers turns into blue. That is what happened with your blue laced red pullet: she inherited a blue gene from her splash father, and a not-blue gene from her mother who has black lacing.

If a chicken has two genes for blue feathers, all the blue in their feathers turns into splash. You chicks inherit one blue gene from the splash rooster, but if the mother has black in her feathers (no blue gene), then you should never hatch a splash chick. To get splash chicks, you would have to cross your rooster with a hen that has blue or splash in her feathers.

If you had incubated eggs from Blue Laced Red pullets, that would be a good reason to see some splash chicks for the first time-- but I see that is not what happened.
i did not incubate her eggs as her and her sisters only started laying last week

At present, I'm not really sure what is going on. I'd love to see more photos as the chicks feather out. Sometimes the situation becomes clear as they grow their feathers (gold vs. silver, blue vs. splash, etc.)

lavender auracana rooster
What country do you live in? Araucana chickens look different in some countries than they do in other countries. I am in the United States, and Araucanas here do not have the muff/beard that your rooster has. They aren't supposed to have a tail either, although some do. We have another breed called "Ameraucana" that does look very much like your rooster. But I know that tails and muff/beard on the face are found on Araucanas in some other countries (same breed name but different physical traits.)

[Edited to fix the spelling of "Araucana." I had the u in the wrong place a few times.]
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