I can't believe I did this!!! HELP!!

Tom Kathleen

7 Years
Mar 18, 2017
Got Midnight Marans from Hoover's early Sept. Last 2 nights one has passed away at night. No signs of cocci, no injury, no mites, just DOA in the morning in rigor. FINE the night before. I have NEVER had this happen and am well-versed in all the horrible things that happen to chickens (we have 150 layers of 12 different breeds). So I start googling and find that if they get the cocci shot, and get medicated feed they cancel each other out. Hmmm, I say to myself, I did pay for Mareks, let me check my receipt. OMG!@!!! They had a cocci shot too. So at the beginning of their life they were getting medicated feed and they had the cocci shot. I have never had my chickens vaccinated before and remember checking vaccinate for mareks. I guess it didn't register in my brain they would also get the cocci shot? I only wanted the Mareks shot, not the cocci. Doesn't matter HOW it happened, now we are here. F-d up 3 ways to Sunday. So what in the heck do I do now? Give them regular feeed? Give them a different med for cocci? Pray to the chicken Gods? When it comes to chickens, I've been there, done that and for a stupid mistake (either on my part clicking something I didn't want or on hatcheries part) I've put their lives in danger and I don't want to lose anymore. P.S. No obv signs of cocci, but we all know cocci presents in a million ways.
Got Midnight Marans from Hoover's early Sept. Last 2 nights one has passed away at night. No signs of cocci, no injury, no mites, just DOA in the morning in rigor. FINE the night before. I have NEVER had this happen and am well-versed in all the horrible things that happen to chickens (we have 150 layers of 12 different breeds). So I start googling and find that if they get the cocci shot, and get medicated feed they cancel each other out. Hmmm, I say to myself, I did pay for Mareks, let me check my receipt. OMG!@!!! They had a cocci shot too. So at the beginning of their life they were getting medicated feed and they had the cocci shot. I have never had my chickens vaccinated before and remember checking vaccinate for mareks. I guess it didn't register in my brain they would also get the cocci shot? I only wanted the Mareks shot, not the cocci. Doesn't matter HOW it happened, now we are here. F-d up 3 ways to Sunday. So what in the heck do I do now? Give them regular feeed? Give them a different med for cocci? Pray to the chicken Gods? When it comes to chickens, I've been there, done that and for a stupid mistake (either on my part clicking something I didn't want or on hatcheries part) I've put their lives in danger and I don't want to lose anymore. P.S. No obv signs of cocci, but we all know cocci presents in a million ways.
I didn't think Hoover's offered the vaccine for Coccidiosis - interesting.

Photos of poop, birds and set-up may be helpful.
Your location would be good too - what state are you in?
There's no way to really know what happened without necropsy/testing.

I would continue with the medicated feed, but check to make sure none has gotten moldy.
If you feel that Coccidiosis is the problem (usually birds will present with noticeable symptoms for a few days) then get some Corid and begin treatment.

Dose for Liquid Corid is 2 teaspoons per gallon of water or Powdered Corid is 1 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water. Give for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Don't add anything else to the water except for Corid.
Thanks so much! I actually did what you suggested, got out the corid (I always keep it in stock) and started them on it in the water. I toyed with the idea of a necropsy as well. I always do a quick external check of a deceased hen (we let ours live out their natural life so I have some elderly ones that pass away in their sleep once in a blue moon) to see for signs of injury, incorrect growth, etc. We live in VA so I could send it off to VTech and will do if I see anymore. I didn't see any sketchy poop, that was what was suprising (we completely scrape out and clean the teenage coop every week religiously). I'm with you on Hoovers -- I don't even remember seeing Cocci as an option for vax and would have never chosen it on purpose!!! I swear the only box to check when I ordered them was for a Marek's vaccine. But my receipt says they got Mareks and Cocci vaccines. They have no symptoms, but I've heard that because there are 7 types of Cocci in chickens, that some of the varieties have less symptoms. Thanks so much for responding!!!!!! All of us who love chickens know there's rarely a clear cut answer, but just having someone else out there give suggestions helps.
I didn't think Hoover's offered the vaccine for Coccidiosis - interesting.

Photos of poop, birds and set-up may be helpful.
Your location would be good too - what state are you in?
There's no way to really know what happened without necropsy/testing.

I would continue with the medicated feed, but check to make sure none has gotten moldy.
If you feel that Coccidiosis is the problem (usually birds will present with noticeable symptoms for a few days) then get some Corid and begin treatment.

Dose for Liquid Corid is 2 teaspoons per gallon of water or Powdered Corid is 1 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water. Give for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Don't add anything else to the water except for Corid.

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