I get this feeling this guy doesnt like chickens....

I love how he had to pray about saving the chicken...
He's got issues. He sounds like he hates almost everything. I live in metro Atlanta, I hope he pulls me over one day when I'm taking one of our dogs or maybe one of our chickens for a drive ( I've been know to do that) oh, and my daughter always takes her guinea pigs with us when we go to our cabin in the mountains. He could find any number of animals in the car with us. Then again, I don't want to end up in one of his 'mean' articles.
I don't think the article was meant to be mean, just funny. Lots of people don't like certain animals for one reason or another, that doesn't make them any meaner than the rest of us........he did pray about the chicken.

I just have to tell a quick story about me, a turkey, and a cop. It was about a week before Thanksgiving one year, and I was driving children from my parents daycare to a local school. Going down the highway, I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked over and saw a wild turkey just trotting down the side of the road next to me. I went on----I had other people's children in the vehicle with me, after all------and dropped the children off at school. I made a quick stop at my house, and by the time I was headed back to the daycare, I figured the turkey was long gone. Well, he wasn't, in fact he was pretty far from where I'd originally seen him, and in heavier traffic, and in the median to boot! I got turned around---had decided I had to help him get to a more rural location (w/o praying about it)-----and here, another woman had also stopped to help. Here we were, stopping traffic, and getting the other people to go around this wild turkey, when a county sherriff happened to be coming by, and stopped to see what was going on. He got out and approached me and said, "What seems to be the problem, ma'am?" I explained that we were trying to help this turkey get off the road and on the side where there were some woods not too far away. He said, "Here, I'll take care of it."----not really something I wanted to hear from a man with a gun! He simply waited for us to shoo the turkey close to him, and then did his share of shooing and got the turkey headed in the right direction. We were all relieved. As I walked back to my car, the sherriff called out to me and the other woman, "You know ladies, it's a lot easier to get a Thanksgiving turkey at the grocery store." And then he got in his cruiser and drove away. Gotta' love a cop with a sense of humor!

Sorry if I hijacked this thread, but I jsut had to share that story.
It's a blog story, told for jest.

If you lined up all the people who don't like birds of any kind and find chickens Yucky in particular, that line would stretch around the world a few times.

I love chickens, but don't expect everyone to, and, I got thicker skin about someone's sense of humor.
Fred's Hens wrote:
It's a blog story, told for jest.

That's what I thought, too. But, I used to write stuff like that for a small country paper when I was in H.S., so I can relate. One article I wrote was about being in love with the three brothers from the Newhart show----you know, "this is my brother Daryl, and my other brother Daryl.........." Just silly, entertaining stuff.​

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