I hear babys chirping but the eggs aren't pipping

Barnard barn yard 77

In the Brooder
Dec 16, 2024
We are a day late now in the incubation and only one has pipped and was struggling at that my humidity is 70-80 and I see few eggs rolling and for sure hear on chirping and it's not the one that has pipped but nothing so confused last 4 batches haven't seen this but noticed as it got colder my chicks hatched later
They will start to chirp approximately one day prior to actually hatching.

I consider 70-80% humidity at hatch as way too high, the chicks will struggle to get enough oxygen, the higher the humidity the less oxygen the air will be able to j ld and provide and they can easily drown/asphyxiate.60-65 % is more than enough at hatch day.

What is your incubator temperature?
Thanks for info on the weight idk still kinda new to this and haven't did any weight
For BCM eggs of normal hatching egg size (65-75 g) your 99.5F are a bit too low for the first 17 days, but for days 18-21/22 99.5 F are correct.

Where is your incubator situated (inhouse/Garage)? What is the room temperature?

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