I know the answer, but gotta ask anyway...


Free Ranging
5 Years
Jul 24, 2019
Boston Area, MA
My Coop
My Coop
This is my worst ratio yet - 5 boys to 1 girl from this year's brood - and I'm quite certain, but, hoping against hope, wondering if any of you can find a second girl amongst this sausage fest :D

7-week-old English Lavender Orpingtons.

The girl:

The boys:




That IS a terrible ratio. But they are very pretty!

My sister had a hen go MIA for a few weeks. She assumed it was a predator's fault. But the hen had been brooding on a secret nest somewhere and returned with 14 chicks - ALL cockerels!
Oh my goodness. I guess it can always be worse! :lol:
Thanks! They will make a super pretty soup very soon though :hit
Well, I think you said you got these lavenders for meat anyway, since you don't have room for many more permanent girls. Think on the bright side, with this many boys, the only one you will have to agonize about keeping is the one girl!
Well, I think you said you got these lavenders for meat anyway, since you don't have room for many more permanent girls. Think on the bright side, with this many boys, the only one you will have to agonize about keeping is the one girl!
True, they were meant for meat anyway (with one to keep, to replace a favorite who died last year), but I was still hoping for girls because I can let the girls grow out and put more meat on those bones. I can't have roosters where I live, so these will have to go in the next couple of weeks, before they have a chance to start crowing, and they'll be scrawny :( Plus, if I keep the one girl, she'll be awfully lonely without a peer buddy. These chicks grew up with the flock and are integrated, but the hens still harass them for good measure and the pullet is the most timid of them all. If I had at least 2, I could keep them until they grow up, start laying and get accepted by the elders better. Then, the one I keep, wouldn't be such an outcast and on her own. But now she's about to lose all her siblings in a couple of weeks, and will be one saaaaaad loser after that :hit

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