I made a mistake!!


In the Brooder
Feb 26, 2022
Day 21 passed, and I have four eggs that I float tested. One of them appears to be a dud, the other three appear to be good, so I put them back in; however, one of the eggs had a crack when I started, so I put some tape on it in the beginning, I was trying to take the tape off and… I made a crack worse. I don’t know if the chick will survive, I don’t know if I should add a tiny strip of tape to hold it down I don’t know what to do! Should I just hope for the best? Help!
Humidity is 75%, temp is at 99.5.


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Next time just don't worry so much about it. Enjoy the chicks that hatched and load some more in the incubator. I give my eggs about 23 days to hatch. Those that don't hatch by then get disposed of. I've never done a float test with incubating eggs, or used tape or anything else on them.

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