She has this awkward backward twisted leg, it gets caught and it’s so awkward for her..
I was honestly thinking I could amputate it myself.
I’m 15 and if it matters, I have a high IQ, I’m level 1 gifted, and I’m very much capable of completing it.
But I won’t get ahead of myself, it’s a big deal, and especially possibly doing it without training
Obviously I'll read up a crap ton and check everything possible and I'd use lidocaine and numb her up really well and stuff, but idk, it doesn't seem that hard
I love her - don't get me wrong, but I don't have any money, and even if I did I wouldn't spend $2,000 on a chicken leg amputation, and there's no way in hell my parents would pay that anyway
I want a vet appointment so they can assess her and what could be done but I really don't think there's much anyone could do to fix it.
I would make sure she was completely numb and couldn't feel it, and I would probably amputate at the upper tibia and round out the bone and stitch her up..
I still need to gather more info and look into it more.
I think it would be a scary experience for both me and her... but her leg gets caught and it's just so sad watching her drag around this useless limb when I'm sure I could easily help her
My parents - with good reason, would probably freak out,, but I’m good at convincing haha
I also am looking for tips from vets, this is risky and not what I planned on doing in life.
And this is just hypothetical,, I hope there is something easier to fix her leg though, and I still need that vet appointment, everytime I call there's something going on that they can't pick up or somthing and now I'm frustrated and determined to help her
It’s crazy sounding, but at this point I’m determined. I’ve seen chicken leg amputations and they hop on one leg just fine. She is also a house chicken, my best friend. She loves sleeping with me, cuddling in blankets, and mealworms
She usually doesn’t touch her leg to the ground when standing up, and she sometimes falls over because it’s so awkward and tips her over. And she tries to prop it up when she lays down, she finds a part of my blanket where she’s able to put her hip up on it.
I’m not sure if it’s:
-vitamin deficiency
-is a neurological disorder
-or a splay leg
Whatever it is, I still want her to live a happy life. And she gets it caught on blankets, and she tips dishes by accident, and that leg needs help or to go
She’s about 4 months old, small for her age I believe. She was with other chickens who bullied her, until I came and took her home.
I could probably order lidocaine, syringe needle things, stitch needles and things for sewing it up, and to be honest, I think a steak knife and a metal file would work, obviously all sterile.
Thank you, any tips or anything is greatly appreciated.
Please ignore messy room - I am in the middle of cleaning it. And pictures of shrimp on the wall are from when I was 12 haha
She is crouching on the floor in the last photo I had woken her up to take photos and she was tired, when she stands the bad leg does not touch the ground.
I was honestly thinking I could amputate it myself.
I’m 15 and if it matters, I have a high IQ, I’m level 1 gifted, and I’m very much capable of completing it.
But I won’t get ahead of myself, it’s a big deal, and especially possibly doing it without training
Obviously I'll read up a crap ton and check everything possible and I'd use lidocaine and numb her up really well and stuff, but idk, it doesn't seem that hard

I love her - don't get me wrong, but I don't have any money, and even if I did I wouldn't spend $2,000 on a chicken leg amputation, and there's no way in hell my parents would pay that anyway
I want a vet appointment so they can assess her and what could be done but I really don't think there's much anyone could do to fix it.
I would make sure she was completely numb and couldn't feel it, and I would probably amputate at the upper tibia and round out the bone and stitch her up..
I still need to gather more info and look into it more.
I think it would be a scary experience for both me and her... but her leg gets caught and it's just so sad watching her drag around this useless limb when I'm sure I could easily help her
My parents - with good reason, would probably freak out,, but I’m good at convincing haha
I also am looking for tips from vets, this is risky and not what I planned on doing in life.

And this is just hypothetical,, I hope there is something easier to fix her leg though, and I still need that vet appointment, everytime I call there's something going on that they can't pick up or somthing and now I'm frustrated and determined to help her
It’s crazy sounding, but at this point I’m determined. I’ve seen chicken leg amputations and they hop on one leg just fine. She is also a house chicken, my best friend. She loves sleeping with me, cuddling in blankets, and mealworms

She usually doesn’t touch her leg to the ground when standing up, and she sometimes falls over because it’s so awkward and tips her over. And she tries to prop it up when she lays down, she finds a part of my blanket where she’s able to put her hip up on it.
I’m not sure if it’s:
-vitamin deficiency
-is a neurological disorder
-or a splay leg
Whatever it is, I still want her to live a happy life. And she gets it caught on blankets, and she tips dishes by accident, and that leg needs help or to go
She’s about 4 months old, small for her age I believe. She was with other chickens who bullied her, until I came and took her home.
I could probably order lidocaine, syringe needle things, stitch needles and things for sewing it up, and to be honest, I think a steak knife and a metal file would work, obviously all sterile.
Thank you, any tips or anything is greatly appreciated.
Please ignore messy room - I am in the middle of cleaning it. And pictures of shrimp on the wall are from when I was 12 haha
She is crouching on the floor in the last photo I had woken her up to take photos and she was tired, when she stands the bad leg does not touch the ground.