I think someone dumped this poor duck...


Apr 13, 2023
I woke up at sunrise to let my animals out and feed everyone. My kids are yelling mom a ducky! I'm like oh cute my neighbors got a duck decor thing. Well it starts moving 😂 frantically trying to get through the fence into my yard! Calling to my ducks lol! My ducks are quaking back I went into my neighbors yard with my robe on (texted them first of course but we're good friends and go in eachothers yard when need to) grabbed them and have them in a temporary set up until I figure out what's going on. Injuries to the head, seem to be nearly healed at least scabbed over quite a bit. They're waddling odd, and will hold a leg up as if it's bothering them. No sign of bumblefoot. I'm assuming a young pekin? Has a curl in their back tail and very quiet not loud quacks- drake? I only have female ducks because they free range with my chickens.... 3 female ducks and 30 chickens. Do I need to rehome this fella? Or just make a separate run area for the ducks and keep him lol. I'm not willing to risk harm to my flock of hens. But I also want to give this guy a good life. Still has some down feathers and pretty small. I'm setting him up somewhere with more space soon this was right after I grabbed him. How long do I quarantine for? Few weeks a month?

I asked all around if anyone's missing a duck, called around and notified and no one is claiming. So I'm also assuming he was dumped. Or he heard my ducks and wanted to hangout lol.


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Poor guy looks like he's been through the wringer. It appears he has wet feather. I'd give him a nice bath, actually washing him and not just letting him swim and then dry him thoroughly.

You may be able to keep him with all of your fowl. I had a drake and 3 hens and they lived with the chickens. This was before I knew about ducks injuring hens while mating, but my drake never went after them. I'd quarantine him for a week or two so you make sure he's clean and he can finish healing.
I sure hope duck dude knows how lucky he is that a good, kind person found him instead of a dog or car! When I was a kid I found a baby duck that my dog almost ate and my mom let me keep him in the bathtub until she found him a good home. I named him Elmer Evenrude, EE Duck. I do think that people just let unwanted ducks roam about the country. I'd quarantine for 2 weeks. Thanks for bringing back that memory and of course for helping this really cute little dude!! 🙏:love
oh my he is so adorable i hope you can keep him. since you have three female ducks already, he might just fall in love with them and leave your chicken hens alone. However, you would have to keep an eye on everything and yes keep him quarantined for a
I would say the original owner bought some female ducks, and found out that it was a drake and decided to dump it. I have heard of this happening with chickens too.
So update- someone on my road claimed him. Said their other ducks have been bullying them. I said he's fine here if you're looking to rehome him anyway, but if you want him back I'm here. Hoping they just say keep him because he does look to be in rough shape to be honest. My husband said I shouldn't have even said anything and kept him, but I can't live with that knowing someone could be missing them. If it were mine I'd be so upset. But they definitely need more tlc than they were getting.
oh my he is so adorable i hope you can keep him. since you have three female ducks already, he might just fall in love with them and leave your chicken hens alone. However, you would have to keep an eye on everything and yes keep him quarantined for a week.
agree bless his heart I am so glad you have him. Let us know how how he is doing and how your girls take to him.

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