I thought Barred Rocks were supposed to be mellow?


Mar 13, 2023
I have 2 barred rock chicks named Karen and Janet, (no offense to anyone with those names). They're barely 3 weeks old and from day 1 they've been so feisty! They are always the first to check out something new, they are the hardest for me to catch, and they like to chest bump each other and the other chicks. I don't think they're boys, I am hoping they're just really spirited gals. But I'm just surprised, as I read the breed are usually clever but calm.
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Rocks Rock!!!

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I have 2 barred rock chicks named Karen and Janet, and wow are they living up to their names! (no offense to anyone with those names) They're barely 3 weeks old and from day 1 they've been so feisty! They are always the first to check out something new, they are the hardest for me to catch, and they like to chest bump each other and the other chicks. I don't think they're boys, I am hoping they're just really spirited gals. But I'm just surprised, as I read the breed are usually clever but calm.
My barred rocks are the nosiest chickens. First ones to come running to see what I’ve got. I had 1 I named braveheart because from the time she was a chick she always ran up to my hand to see what I was putting in/taking out of brooder. When she was grown she would jump on my shoulder to get a better look at me.
2 barred rock chicks named Karen and Janet, and wow are they living up to their names!

always the first to check out something new, they are the hardest for me to catch, and they like to chest bump each other and the other chicks.

I'm just surprised, as I read the breed are usually clever but calm.
In all seriousness, not sure if the names reallly fit LOL

They are clever - they check out the newest things first - this is going to serve them well because in the future, they very likely will get first dibs on goodies.
Chest bumping each other and the other chicks - they are feeling each other out, but they are also establishing themselves to be higher ranking in the brooder. This does not always carry to the coop, but I'd gamble it will unless you just have a wild card in the mix.

Being hard to catch, another clever tactic - evasion. They are sweet birds and can be dolls at times, but not always cuddlers, they have better things to do.

Again...likely one will take the lead, the other will be right below her in ranking.

Will they rule? Probably so, but none of the BR's I've had were outright bullies. They did (and the one that I have left does) get first dibs on treats. The BR stare usually keeps others in their place, but if someone wants to rumble, they will take up the challenge.
I've also watched those high ranking Gals sit with a lower ranking hen that was ailing and dying (several different times) taking turns to just sit with her.
One of my all time favorite breeds (so far). Dominques are in close second.

Gamefowl are in a league of their own:)
We have 3 barred rock chicks, 4 weeks old. One of them always jumps out of brooder and hangs out on me or top on of brooder while I am cleaning or feeding. She actually jumps at door of brooder when I walk up, brooder is a dog crate. I have another that at 2 weeks started pecking me every time I stuck my hand in cage. Her and I had a stand off, I eventually won😁 she doesn’t come after me anymore. Definitely 3 different personalities with my BRs.
I love this thread. I have a two week Barred Rock named pop tart. And she has grown into her name! She is a bit tart, she’ll peck your hand if you’re not quick enough to hold it out for her to hop up to! I had some serious questions whether she was going to be a he but this helps easy my concern!

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