I want to put my chicken in broody jail, is this enough reason for that?


In the Brooder
Sep 22, 2024
My hen has been broody for a while even after I tried to break her so now I just left her alone when she went broody because she wasn’t being disruptive her health didn’t decline and she was being friendlier and only sitting at night and playing a lot, it’s seemed like she hadn’t plucked her feathers but today she was dust bathing and I saw a huge bald spot you can’t really see it it she doesn’t lift up her leg , obviously I don’t want her to be bald and then she has to wait ages for it to grow back and also don’t want her to ruin her feather over some plastic and unfertilized eggs, is this enough reason to put her in broody jail or am I being unreasonable ? I don’t really want to do it if it’s uncessary becaause she didn’t do anything wrong and I don’t want to stress her out only bad thing is she’s skittish a bit when she’s normally not
Being broody at all is a plenty good enough reason all on its own. If a hen is broody and you're not wanting her to set for you i wouldn't hesitate to put her in broody jail, the sooner you do it, the quicker she'll break and the quicker she can get back to being a chicken
The sooner you recognize your hen is broody immediately put her in the wire cage. This shortens the jail time if you catch it early. The symptoms of being broody is they fluff and flare out their wings wide in the nest, also feel under her and her chest will be warm, in addition she will have plucked alot of her feathers out under her chest to keep the eggs warm (that she may or may not have under her.) When you try to pick her up she will growl and act angry at being disturbed.
Sometimes it only takes a couple days confinement if caught early. But if you wait, maybe 5 days. Don't dunk in cold water of course in the winter, (goes without saying I'm sure!) But that sometimes help to cool them down in the hot summer. Good luck.
Oh, one more symptom, they will walk around making a grunt grunt grunt sound (hard to describe that sound) but totally different than the non broodies. It's unmistakable!
@aart describes it as being like a ticking time bomb, lol. I think @Yardmom said it best, when they are truly broody they stay on the nest day and night ... for at least a couple of nights. I'd watch for that before putting her in the broody box.

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