I was sold colored dyed babychicks and need help!!! Please Im a newbie


12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
Okay I'm a sucker for my little one, A man caught me at walmart and showed my daughther
baby chickens which she loves animals, But the main questin I was worried about was he
colored dyed them for Easter:rolleyes: Is that safe and are they going to be healthy??? Does it make them sick someone told me they would probably die so I'm very worried, and he also told me just to feed then corn meal?? Which doesn't sound right?? What kind of feed do I get for them??? And if there is anything I need to be doing???? Please any advice I would love I don't want my 3 year to wake up and not have her (my new babies)
Don't listen to what that man told you. Corn meal is not what they need. Also, the myth that the colored chicks will die early is usually because they are mishandled and not cared for because people don't know any better. Supposedly, coloring the chick is not supposed to impact their health at all but the majority of people on this board, including me, think that this is still cruel. But, I digress...

Please go to these pages to find out what you need:



You can also pick up a book called "Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens." You can usually find some used ones on amazon.com.
Ouch!!! I sincerely don't object to dyed chics.......going to responsible and knowledgable people with an actual, sincere attempt to raise chicks. Yes it was sneaky and underhanded for him to tell you to feed it just plain cornmeal. What he didn't tell you is how to care for chicks They need 1)warmth 2) food and water 3) love and a sincere attempt to give them a long, happy life, just like any other pet.

You can go to a local feed store to buy the what's known as "chick starter/grower." While there, you can also pick up a few other supplies. For instance, a lamp of sorts to provide them heat for their first few months of life. A heat lamp takes the place of a hen when they dont have a mother to keep them warm. Feeders and waterers for them to eat and drink from, are another good choice. And I believe everyone knows how to love a pet
It's in the human nature.
Well done on questionning him. If i didnt know any better, i would probably have trusted him.
Its so morally wrong that people get away with lies like his, which would kill of the majority of chicks when proper instruction is not given!
We are both in a very similar circumstance, well yesterday I was.
Yesterday I had to buy 3 dyed chicks, before they got sold to this very young little girl who was handling them in a very bad way.

Im Not An expert on this myself either, and yesterday i was needing help.
Well, The Chicks Need Warmth, Water, And Food!!!!
Yesterday I made a make-shift brooder with a shoebox, and just put down a few blankets. I put a 60W lamp shining down on one half of the shoebox, and on the cool part i put using an old cat bowl, some water. And the feeder i was given from my friend with chick starter(Im not an expert of the feeding thing either
) I was told to be careful with the water bowl, and not make it too deep or the chicks will drown.

Here's A Link To A Topic I started Yesterday -

Everyone Left some useful information , and now my chicks seem much happier.
(Well Two Of Them anyway, One of them doesnt seem to be eating...)
Were these chicks being sold IN Wal-Mart, or by someone independently outside the store? I would hope that Wal-Mart would have learned by now the consequences of such an unpopular undertaking...
Even though they are tiny puffballs at the moment, now is when you need to be planning for their adulthood. They will need a coop, and adequate room to roam outside. There is a great section on this website with coops of every design.
Good luck with your new tiny ones!

Oh - Did the guy happen to mention what breed they were?
normally the dyed ones do not last long and usually when people dye chicks they take a small syringe with fod coloring in it and they inject the food coloring into the egg. well just keep them very warm. they should start laying eggs when they are 18 weeks old. so plan on that. and if they are not drinking or pooping then dip their heads in water. feed them normal chicken feed. i just give mine crackers and bread and scratch grain. YOu can find the scratch grains at Tractor Supply Co. I hope this helps and just because i am 13 does not mean I don't know alot about chickens. I have studied chickens for 3 1/2 years now.
Picture the size of a chicks liver and then picture it trying to process the dye- Dye isn't good for chicks even in food grade
but it is usually the after care which fails -as was already stated - I hope it works out for you although most of the time the chicks sold are all roos ( Another tid- tib people rarely tell the people buying dyed chicks)
Your little things need all the help they can get, so I wouldn't mess around with feed. The best thing for chicks is starter feed, and I'd go medicated since you don't really know where they came from. It's not that expensive - I think a 50 lb. bag costs me about $7.00. They also come in 25 lb. bags, or some feed stores will sell in smaller quantities.
I asked earlier if the guy mentioned the breed - this is because often the dyed chicks are meat birds, and unfortunately they are bred to fatten quickly for slaughter. Even if you don't slaughter them, they develop a wide variety of physical problems and they usually die young. Hopefully this isn't the case for you, as I see you mention having a 3 year old who will be in love with them in no time. If you can post a picture of the chicks as they get a bit older, folks on here will be able to identify the breed.
I wish you well!

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