Ick factor


Oct 28, 2024
Hebron Maryland
Anyone experiencing, or have experienced a little bit of an ‘ick’ factor when first starting to eat their backyard eggs? I was surprised a little bit how I have just the wee tiniest bit of an ‘ick’ when thinking about eating the eggs. Not something overwhelming or major, just very vague. I guess decades of eating store bought, and that separation between laying and eating, to suddenly going directly from hen to eating is an unexpected adjustment for me.
I do have that somewhat, but only with duck eggs. :idunno
Although I had pet ducks as a kid, the Easter effect, I really don’t care for them in general and I do think I would have a much stronger ick on their eggs. I just think ducks are filthy but that’s probably more to do with how they’re kept more than anything else. I know an egg is an egg…….but still.
Take long to get over it? Same thing with the eggs?
I got over it after the first couple. I did take a break of a couple months between eating the first two and the next ones, though. Now I love to eat them and even have a few cooking videos out and have written a pretty highly rated article on here on how to butcher them.
Not at all! I SO looked forward to getting my first egg, and when it came, I was so tickled to eat it. I don't remember now how I prepared it, but I do know that it was such a joy to be able to eat a really truly fresh egg from my very own healthy hens! I still feel that way, these eggs are a gift and I cherish them. It's those pale, insipid, tasteless store eggs that are "ick" to me. :sick

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