Ideas needed for inexpensive trays to collect quail droppings


Crossing the Road
6 Years
Mar 12, 2018
Plainfield, IL
My Coop
My Coop
I am finishing a build on new quail cages in my shed coop (check the coop page connected to my profile if you would like more detail). I need something to put under my cages to collect dropping from the quail. I have 3 cages inside the shed and 1 that is portable (outside the shed and inside the garage during winter). Each cage has a footprint of roughly 3'x8'. about 2' is a huddle box, so I don't need a tray under that portion, but the remaining 3'x6' section needs some sort of tray. I am open to putting multiple trays next to each other, but I'm not wanting to spend a ton of money of baking sheets or something like that... Any ideas?
Some sheet metal. If you want 1” deep then cut out 1” square at each corner, then bend the edges so you have a tray with sides.

Shallow helps the poop to dry out rather than get moldy, so if choosing something ready made, choose shallow over deep.

Saw one setup where they had a conveyor type belt that they manually turned. There was a scraper at the end, would scrape off the poop into bucket. Similar to the cashier conveyor belts at grocery stores.
Some sheet metal. If you want 1” deep then cut out 1” square at each corner, then bend the edges so you have a tray with sides.

Shallow helps the poop to dry out rather than get moldy, so if choosing something ready made, choose shallow over deep.

Saw one setup where they had a conveyor type belt that they manually turned. There was a scraper at the end, would scrape off the poop into bucket. Similar to the cashier conveyor belts at grocery stores.
That would be cool. I don't really have space for that type of a setup though. The cages are stacked between two walls.
Some sheet metal. If you want 1” deep then cut out 1” square at each corner, then bend the edges so you have a tray with sides.

Shallow helps the poop to dry out rather than get moldy, so if choosing something ready made, choose shallow over deep.

Saw one setup where they had a conveyor type belt that they manually turned. There was a scraper at the end, would scrape off the poop into bucket. Similar to the cashier conveyor belts at grocery stores.
This is the likely route. Any suggestion on gauge of metal to use?
Sheet metal is also a bit more expensive than I thought it would be. I am thinking about plywood sheets covered in heavy duty vinyl with 3/4" trim (1"x1") around the edges. I have some spray-on adhesive to hold the vinyl sheet in place. I already have a roll of heavy vinyl too. I just need to pick up a couple sheets of plywood from the clearance section of the hardware store.I have about a 2.5" gap for the boards to slide between the cages. 1/2 plywood and 3/4" trim will be 1 1/4" thick combined. Should work out well enough.
I am finishing a build on new quail cages in my shed coop (check the coop page connected to my profile if you would like more detail). I need something to put under my cages to collect dropping from the quail. I have 3 cages inside the shed and 1 that is portable (outside the shed and inside the garage during winter). Each cage has a footprint of roughly 3'x8'. about 2' is a huddle box, so I don't need a tray under that portion, but the remaining 3'x6' section needs some sort of tray. I am open to putting multiple trays next to each other, but I'm not wanting to spend a ton of money of baking sheets or something like that... Any ideas?
Have you thought of using a sheet of coroplast? You can cut it like you would for making a cube cage for a guinea pig, but on a smaller scale with 1" high walls. You would just need to score, fold, and cut a small piece from each corner, fold and tape, to end up with a plastic, easy to clean tray. A 4'x8' tray would cost under $30 at home depot.

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