Identifying fatal disease by symptoms (as best possible)


In the Brooder
Sep 26, 2023
Hello everyone.

I'd like to know, if possible, what's killed 7 of my 8 hens (roughly 2 years old) based on the symptoms. Maybe then I can avoid it happening again (obviously no gaurantees). All have been healthy with a very varied diet and laying regularly. They have a large open run but a totally sheltered place to sleep.

This is the timeline, all within 10 days:
  • One hen (Marans) stopped eating and was lethargic but was drinking normally. Isolated her in our house in a warm place straight away. Took her to the vet the next day who gave her Bactracyl and Azythromycin. She quickly deteriorated to no drinking and very bad rattling breathing with an open beak. We gave her fluids orally. Her breathing got worse and worse and she died later the same day .
  • Three days later, 3 more (Brahmas & Orpington) developed exactly the same symptoms. They were isolated and on the instructions of the vet, given Bactracyl, Azythromycin, Enrofloxacin, Doxycyclin, and fluids, with no effect at all. They all died within 24 hours with exactly the same pattern.
  • Two days later the same story (Legbar) and we decided not to administer antibiotics/fluids as this was having no effect apart from stressing them.
  • One day later, 2 more (Braekel and Legbar) succumbed.
  • The last remaining lady (Leghorn) seems to be fine T"G after a few days.
To say I'm devastated is an understatement. I raised them from chicks starting in our bedroom and they were part of the family. The supplier assured me that they were all vaccinated (here it's a triple vax - Newcastle, Gumboro, and Bird flu) but I have my doubts. The remaining Leghorn was not hatched by him but rescued from a commercial facility that supplies farms (minus their beaks) and I know with 100% certainty she got vaccinated.

I'm open to educated guesses as to what they died of and also what I can possibly do to avoid this repeating itself. I intend waiting a while before getting more chicks and cleaning everything a number of times with some alcohol and bleach, then washing thoroughly with water.

Feedback anyone?
Sorry for the loss of 7 out of 8 hens. What state or country are you in? I never recommend buying chickens from someone else. Bringing in just one from another flock can introduce a chronic disease because they can appear perfectly normal, but still be a carrier. I would wait until your last hen is gone before getting healthy new chicks from a hatchery or feed store. If you lose her, the best way to find a cause of death, and to rule out a respiratory disease is to have your state vet do a necropsy. They also test tissues for diseases. Rattly breathing could be from a crop disorder or respiratory disease. Did your dying chickens have crops that were not emptying overnight? Did you check for mites or lice? Did any have bubbles or foam or discharge in one eye, a swollen eyelid or face, gasping, or have sneezing/coughing? Is she losing weight or have any enlargement of her belly under her vent? Does she lay eggs? If your current hen has any of those symptoms, we might be able to help you.
Can I add that you really need to find out the cause of death before getting new hens.
Exactly. That is why a cause of death is good to know. Your hens may not have died of a contagious disease, but if they did, the new chicks could all become infected. Most respiratory diseases are for life, and all chickens or other poultry are usually exposed and become carriers. There are other diseases as well. Any history of infectious bronchitis or reproductive disorders may shorten a hen’s life. Do you feed a balanced chicken feed, either layer or all flock feed? Do you provide poultry granite grit for digesting grass, bugs, and grains? I would imagine that buying baby chicks this year, would be harder and much more expensive. The national hatcheries have been dealing with a shortage of breeding hens for their eggs over the last 4-5 years, and it has really become worse this year.
Thanks for the replies. To answer the questions:
No mites or lice.
No eye issues at all.
Yes, sneezing started after they stopped drinking.
No vent issues but they stopped laying about 2/3 days before they stopped eating.
They get 2 different commercial feeds to which I add ground oyster shell bits, plus they get loads of organic treats like buckwheat, oats, millet, whole grain rice, etc.
I would put the crushed oyster shell in a separate pan but not in the feed so they only take what they need. The other grains should be limited because the commercial feed is balanced and has all they need. You could be diluting the protein and other nutrients of the feed with the extra whole grains, rice, etc. A layer or all flock feed has the minimum protein they need, and the extras have much less.

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