Illness in freshly hatched and older chicks


Feb 16, 2025

I have some chicks I picked up as day olds from McMurray hatchery. I started with 13. They were vaccinated for Coccidiosis and Mareks. They were not shipped.

They’ve been eating chick stater, with McMurray’s “quick chick” in their water. I lost one early, she seemed like she just didn’t grow at all. Then three more seemed weak, eventually started stargazing, and died. This was in the first few days so to treat them I fed them egg yolk, water with sugar, and just tried to get them to eat and drink.

The rest are now two weeks old and three more are sick. A couple of days ago I thought it could maybe be coccidiosis so I bought some Corid and have been giving it to all of them in the only water source. But they don’t seem to be getting much better.

Their main symptom seems to be weak legs, then they can move around as well, eventually losing their balance constantly.

What could be wrong with these chicks?
What temperature are they at? They should be at around 80-85F.

If using a heat bulb, make sure it's not teflon. What bedding is it? Cedar can cause issues if that's in their bedding. Something there in their immediate area could be toxic to them.

I would continue the Corid through the 5 or 7 day course you're doing and follow up with vitamins in their water. We use Poultry Cell. I'd give them vitamin water every other day for a week.
They have a rentacoop plate heater - I’m raising it as they get bigger just as I’ve done in the past. And their bedding is wood chips. I haven’t seen them eating the chips and I’ve used them in the past. They’re in my basement and I don’t think there’s anything environmental but won’t rule it out.

I’m wondering at this point if it’s a vitamin deficiency? I was giving the “quick chick” until yesterday when I switched to Corid in the water. But it looks like that doesn’t have any b vitamins (which I see maybe corid blocks as well?).
They have a rentacoop plate heater - I’m raising it as they get bigger just as I’ve done in the past. And their bedding is wood chips. I haven’t seen them eating the chips and I’ve used them in the past. They’re

I’m wondering at this point if it’s a vitamin deficiency? I was giving the “quick chick” until yesterday when I switched to Corid in the water. But it looks like that doesn’t have any b vitamins (which I see maybe corid blocks as well?).
If it has no B1/Thiamine in it, then you could continue with it. That's why I suggest Poultry Cell or some vitamins with B1 to replenish what Corid depletes. Giving them vitamins with B1/thiamin in while giving Corid negates what the Corid is doing so it's counterproductive.

Check the wood chips to make sure they are pine and not cedar. Some I've heard used cedar without issues and others have said their chicks got sick from it, so most will suggest not using those.
To add (I didn’t read your response thoroughly): the chops are aspen. I’ll keep giving the Corid for the 5 days and then maybe give the b complex
Thanks - can I mix it with the water with the Corid? (No b1 or thiamine, verified). The Corid instructions say to have it be the only water source

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