Im not getting answers and something continues to be wrong

Sep 9, 2024
I've posted before but now she has yellow poop on her behind and lethargic. Hasnt layed eggs in a week. If you have recommendations please tell me where I can find the medicine I have to order and it will be two weeks before I can eve get it in at this point I'm not sure she will be alive by the time I even get a recomendation


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I read your other threads and you haven’t answered many of the questions about her. I’m sorry that she is getting worse. The yellow in her poop could be from a reproductive disorder or if it is yellow urates, that can be from liver problems or water belly. The most often cause of those is reproductive or fatty liver disease. In one thread you said you had new girls? How old are they and how long have you had them? Are you trying to take her aside and feed her? I would offer water with electrolytes and vitamins, and make some mushy wet chicken feed plus a little scrambled or soft soft egg. Is there a lot of yellow fluid in her poop, is it yellow and solid, or is it just yellow in the urates (the normally white part?) Have you ever treated for coccidiosis with Corid? That might be helpful, but don’t give b vitamins when she is on that. Do you have any antibiotics, such as amoxicillin that you could use?
I read your other threads and you haven’t answered many of the questions about her. I’m sorry that she is getting worse. The yellow in her poop could be from a reproductive disorder or if it is yellow urates, that can be from liver problems or water belly. The most often cause of those is reproductive or fatty liver disease. In one thread you said you had new girls? How old are they and how long have you had them? Are you trying to take her aside and feed her? I would offer water with electrolytes and vitamins, and make some mushy wet chicken feed plus a little scrambled or soft soft egg. Is there a lot of yellow fluid in her poop, is it yellow and solid, or is it just yellow in the urates (the normally white part?) Have you ever treated for coccidiosis with Corid? That might be helpful, but don’t give b vitamins when she is on that. Do you have any antibiotics, such as amoxicillin that you could use?
I've had the new girls a few weeks they are between 1 yr and 2 yrs old (older than my flock). We let her out to free range with the rest and she will eat grass but I have not seen her eat feed or treats we throw out every once in a while. And she will only come out for a little while eat some grass then go back Into the coop and just stand in there. Her poops have just been wet with only yellow to the color no solids at all. She no longer gets on the roost anymore and you can tell which nesting box she sleeps in because all of the shavings are neon yellow in there. I don't have any antibiotics but if I were to find someone who never finished a round could I use that? And how would I give it to her? I have never had to treat my chickens with anything. they are all new layers infact she probably has only layed a handful of eggs before she started getting like this and she ate just about every egg of hers for some reason. I did give her a bath when this started thinking maybe she was egg bound but I'm thinking it's not as simple as I hoped. None of the other members are affected by whatever it is so it must be specific to her and not something spreadable. I do have monostat I could use incase it is vent gleet however I've been reading something else usually causes vent gleet so giving her monostat won't fix the actual issue is that true? And I didn't respond much to everyone else because I was hoping someone experienced the same thing and could give me an exact answer but I'm realising it's more complicated than that. Someone said possibly bird flu and told us to move the entire coop and run and get her away from the others however I don't think it's that because she's been acting like this long enough I'd expect the others to all start getting sick by now.
If you can get a picture of the droppings tomorrow, please feel free to post them. Yellow poops can be from a reproductive infection, bile , or water belly. But with new hen, she could have been exposed to a different strain of coccidiosis that she is not immune to. It is hard to get antibiotics to treat chickens for reproductive diseases. Enrofloxacin is easier to get nowadays than amoxicillin and you can find the 10% here:
Only treat her, not others. If she lays eggs again, do not eat them for a month.
Can they survive coccidiosis without medicine can it just pass through them? We gave her electrolytes this morning and when we got back she was acting completely normal and I noticed last night and the night before she did get on the roost so I'm thinking she's getting better from whatever it is? I'm gonna go sit with them for a few hours and see if she eats like normal but she was definitely running around with the rest when I went down there a few minutes ago.
If you can get a picture of the droppings tomorrow, please feel free to post them. Yellow poops can be from a reproductive infection, bile , or water belly. But with new hen, she could have been exposed to a different strain of coccidiosis that she is not immune to. It is hard to get antibiotics to treat chickens for reproductive diseases. Enrofloxacin is easier to get nowadays than amoxicillin and you can find the 10% here:
Only treat her, not others. If she lays eggs again, do not eat them for a month.
The fastest and cheapest thing you can do is take a fecal sample to your veterinarian. That way you will know if you actually have a parasite problem and what exactly you need to treat it. An avian vet is your best bet to help her.

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