I'm So Excited!


13 Years
Feb 14, 2010
Benton, Arkansas
I'm so excited! I have eight eggs in an incubator due for hatching on June 3. This morning, I have two pips!

For some reason, probably my math ability, my chicks hatch a day early.

I can't wait . . . gonna go watch chicks hatch!
Number 1 has unzipped her shell and is out! Stumbling around a bit, but that's to be expected. So far, the first pip hasn't done anything more. I'm hoping for the best, though.

I tried to take a picture, but the incubator is too dim to see through well enough.
Just now watched the second fuzz butt work her way out of the shell! A third one is working on it. . . working on it. . . A couple more pretty large pips!
I have four out now, but one can't seem to stay upright. She turns over and over, and it seems she may not be able to control her head.

Is there anything I can do for her, or should I go over to the emergency forum to ask?

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