Impacted, sour or pendulous crop? Or normal?


In the Brooder
May 3, 2024
Hi all, I’m new to chickens and have a pullet (6 weeks old) that we recently started allowing to go outside. She now keeps moving her neck around as if adjusting her crop often. Her crop is squishy and about the size of a medium bouncy ball. Her breath doesn’t smell, poop is normal, energy and eating is also normal. I stopped food last night and this morning I checked her crop but it’s still the same. I believe it should’ve emptied.

Some tips I’ve heard but am not sure what’s best.. Monistat, ACV, oil, trying to make her vomit? I don’t know what’s best so need advice. Thank you
Why? I have a chicken with a packed crop as well. Looking for answers. One of the things I've read on line is to induce vomiting. Also surgery. How do you do that? And when do you make the call?

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