In Coop Brooder Questions


On A Clucking Adventure
Feb 1, 2023
Scranton, PA
I want to put a small temporary brooder in my coop for the 6 chicks I have coming in May. I already have 6 pullets that will be one year old at the end of May.

I'd like to brood the new ones out in the coop to make integration easier. The coop currently has a 6 ft long poop tray above the pop door. I found a cage similar to a dog crate but should break down for storage easier that would fit under the poop board with out blocking the pop door.


The brooder cage would go under the poop board toward the lower left of the pic.

Has anyone used a cage like this? I could see the adults jumping on top of it and I'm wondering if it would hold their weight. I'd put the panels with the doors on the side, not the top.

The other question I have at the moment is if the gap in the bars is 0.9", will I have to put cardboard or something around the bottom of the walls at first to prevent chicks from getting stuck? Or is that gap small enough?

The cage I'm looking at is constructed like this:

I could see the adults jumping on top of it and I'm wondering if it would hold their weight.
How much space between the top of the cage and the bottom of the board?
Would be best to block that space off if it's large enough for the pullets to get up there.

Would also be good to fashion some tiny doors for the chicks to get in and out when the time is right.

What do you plan to use for chick heat?

Here's how mine, and links to a couple others, is:
How much space between the top of the cage and the bottom of the board?
Would be best to block that space off if it's large enough for the pullets to get up there.

Would also be good to fashion some tiny doors for the chicks to get in and out when the time is right.

What do you plan to use for chick heat?

Here's how mine, and links to a couple others, is:
It would be about a 13" gap between the top of the pen and the bottom of the poop board. Enough to fit a pullet, not sure if the overhead would stop them from being adventurous enough to try to hop/fly there. The sides of the cage are 20" high, then the bottom of poop board is right about 32-33 inches high. Not sure how I'd block it off securely. Have to think about that.

Heat would be from a brooder plate.

I was thinking of orienting the built in doors so the hinge was at the top, basically opposite how the listing shows them open. Then prop the door open at the bottom with a brick or two with the door secured with zip ties thru the holes in the bricks. I saw your article about having the small doors for the chicks to be able to venture out and then retreat to safety if needed, and that's one of the reasons I picked this set up since it had the built in doors I think I could repurpose.

Hmm, I could even remove the door entirely and then resecure with zip ties it flat to the cage but higher up, leaving a gap at the bottom. Readjust the gap size as needed as the chicks grow. That'd probably be more secure than propping it up with bricks.

You could jam some fencing/mesh/cardboard into the space above the cage.
Depending on how stiff, cut it larger than the space and press it into place.
Sounds like a good plan for doors.
There should be no problem with chicks getting heads stuck with the 0.9" spacing gap between the bars tho? Even tho these will only be my 2nd set of chicks, I've very well learned that if there's a way to hurt themselves....they'll find it.

And yea, cardboard could work! Or hmm...even some scraps I have of coroplast. They'd probably wedge into the round connectors of the cage too.
There should be no problem with chicks getting heads stuck with the 0.9" spacing gap between the bars tho? Even tho these will only be my 2nd set of chicks, I've very well learned that if there's a way to hurt themselves....they'll find it.
I'd consider lining it with 1/2" or 1/4" HWC, because maybe heads won't fit through but wings or legs might. 1/2" is a safe gap size.

And I agree that some cardboard temporarily secured to the poop board to cover the top of the cage should prevent any jumping around on top. Even something as simple as feed bags duct taped to hang off the poop board should do, the older birds should respect a visual barrier.
I'd consider lining it with 1/2" or 1/4" HWC, because maybe heads won't fit through but wings or legs might. 1/2" is a safe gap size.

And I agree that some cardboard temporarily secured to the poop board to cover the top of the cage should prevent any jumping around on top. Even something as simple as feed bags duct taped to hang off the poop board should do, the older birds should respect a visual barrier.
Ahh...yet another fine use for saved feed bags!

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