In need of Polish Chicks, Where to Get Them?


7 Years
Apr 23, 2017
I am a member of 4-H and have been showing chickens at the fair for 10 years (this is one of my last years). I have had polish chickens before and they are definitely one of my favorite breeds. I would love to get some polish chicks soon so I can show them at the fair this summer, however I can never find them! Does anyone know a reliable hatchery where I could order them through the mail? I would need to get them by March (April at the latest).
Thank you :)
Murray McMurray Hatchery? They have Polishes and you can check to see if they have any APA certified Polish flocks. (I don't know if their Polishes are, but they at least have a few other breeds that they have APA certified flocks of.)
Hi! I also show and do 4H. I had a good batch of white creasted from meyer hatchery. One was excellent quality and I really liked it!
Also when is your fair? You said that you need them by March or April and if you fair is in July they are only 4 months old making them to young (not written but they will do better if they are older). Are they for next years fair or is your fair in October?

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