In need of rescue - Momma and 7 babies.


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 15, 2012
Woodland, WA
Hey, first time poster but have been lurking for quite some time.
(South Omaha, Nebraska)
This poor hen and her babies need some help. I'd be preaching to the choir when I say that's no way to keep a momma and her babies. We cannot take a hen because we only have 3 & 5 week old chicks and are afraid that she'll attack them and my DH said no more.

"There is a moma chicken and 7 baby chicks. Very nice family. sorry but the cage is not for sale. if you have any questions please call 4025100406. and ask for jovany. thanks like i said 10 dollars for everything."
Wish I could get them,and I would but I am in South Carolina,and you're in Nebraska.

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