In Search of incubator that will hatch from quail eggs to geese!


5 Years
Mar 1, 2018
Dade City, Florida
Hi everyone, thank you ahead for your input! So I have been doing some research and I am not sure which incubator to buy.

Basically I am a small farm. The only eggs I have a lot of are chickens. I sell the eggs to some customers.

But, I do have Cayuga, Ancona and African Geese eggs that are being laid and wasted, (well we eat them,) since the females are not sitting on the eggs.

I've some experience incubating eggs. Quail and chicken eggs. With relatively good hatchability results of these.

I have one of those foam incubators, simple ones that need to be checked constantly. Exhausting and dangerous if I forget to do that.
My hatchability rate was low in it.

My daughter bought a Magic Fly incubator, (bit small in size,) that is working great for quail and chicken eggs but when I tried to hatch ducks I had zero hatchability.

So, I need an incubator that will be good for all of the above, but not commercial since I really not that big of a farm.

And not hugely expensive that it will break my bank! :rolleyes:

I am already researching into the Hova-Bator 2370s and the Nurture Right 360. But, the prices vary so much! From around $65 from the website, (it does not include the turning tray,) to $185 which include the the egg turner but nothing else different. This is for the Hova-Bator 360.
For the Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator, prices start at $90 from to $$163 in Walmart. From checking the sites, the first one does not include the inside trays and the other ones do.

Do we have any other good brands I should look into?

Thank you so much for your input. Natalia
I checked it! I am almost sold on it! I like the fan and that is tells me how many days to hatch. (I keep forgetting to write it down.) :rolleyes:

I'll wait to see if anyone else has any suggestions before making a decision.

Thank You, Natalia
I've used a lot of incubators, including Nurture Right 360, Hovabator, IncuView, Farm Innovators, Little Giant, Brinsea, and the terrible yellow top chinabator. May have missed one on the list. 🤔

My favorite incubator is the NR360 and you can order 3D printed turners for larger or smaller eggs but IncuView would probably be the incubator I would recommend to you (which is my second favorite incubator) because the turner will work for any eggs from quail to geese without needing to buy additional turners. I don't recommend using an incubator with a verticle turner for waterfowl, I don't actually know why but hatch rates seem to be much better when incubating waterfowl horizontally. The IncuView requires a little extra fiddling to get the temp and humidity just right so I usually have multiple thermometer/hygrometers in the corners of the incubator but it's the easiest incubator I've ever cleaned, have a great viewing window, and I've been happy with hatches.
Brinsea is great but I feel like the price point is too high for what you get.
If you're looking to get a styrofoam incubator I would go with the Hovabator, it's more consistently reliable and easy to get replacement parts for.
Farm Innovators is very very hit or miss, you have a 50/50 chance of getting one that works great or doesn't and customer service is nonexistent.
Don't get a yellow top amount of savings is worth the heartache.

I'm pretty tired, it's late here so I hope all of that made sense. LOL

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