In town hillbillies

Sara B

7 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Northern Iowa
We got 6 New Hampshire Reds this spring at Easter time from the local tractor supply store and LOVE them! My husband built them a nest box/coop for protection, a place to lay and sleep at night. We have 6 foot tall fence around our backyard so they are basically free range chickens who occasionally walk along the top of the fence and have hopped over but always fly/jump back into the yard quickly. We have a Doberman Pinscher whose doghouse is in the backyard and looks after this little flock lovingly, believe it or not! They are about 4 months old now and we are impatiently waiting for eggs! A few of our neighbors are enamored or at least interested in them, but we have heard through the grapevine that many of them just think we are trashy or redneck or hillbillies for having chickens in the city. We are from Iowa so we are shocked that so many Iowans look down on raising chickens as dirty and trashy! Most of them think nothing of buying and eating eggs and chicken meat, so I guess I don't get it. I am from a family that has roots in farming and once I am done with schooling to be a nurse practitioner in a year, we have dreams of owning our own farm with a large flock! Our entire family loves these 6 red ladies and they are funny and interesting. I have no landscaping in the backyard anymore as we found hens LOVE hostas, rose bushes, ferns, and the stray leaves of my garden plants that poke through the chain link fence. On the other hand, when my garden lettuce and spinach get too mature and go to seed, the hens love to eat it up as I pull out the plants and love the fruits, veggies noodles, rice, bread, cereal, and crackers we have as left overs. I never knew just how much hens love left overs! Love this site and the threads and it has helped me immensely in learning to raise our ladies! Thanks for the inspiration and education!
Sara B in Iowa
Welcome to BYC! It is funny how people can be somewhat disconnected from their food. Either way, out her in southern CA having backyard chickens seems to be all the rage. You can buy a chicken coop at Williams Sonoma! Just think of yourself as a trend are way ahead of everyone out there.
Yea, we try not to base our life decisions on what others think and try to teach our children that lesson as well. We have found that the most judgmental of our neighbors also seem to be the least happy with life in general, so I say who cares what anyone else thinks, and just be happy. I tend to the chickens daily, catch them, pet them, feed them treats and don't mind the daily waterer cleaning and refilling and weekly coop scooping! We have a plastic baby pool in the backyard for the dog and duck to swim in and have noticed that the hens like to stand near it to drink from it and the times my daughter placed a hen into the shallow pool, she didn't really seem to mind and walked around a bit cooing and clucking. They roost on the edge of the pool and I wouldn't doubt if they jump in from time to time. Glad to see I am not the only person with an odd ensemble of creatures inhabiting my yard! It surprised me how loving and gentle our dog Xena is with the birds but she is protective and playful with them and has never ever been aggressive or mean to them. I appreciate a site that teaches that it's good to try to live greener and raise our hens as pets as well as for eggs and I guess someday as they age, potentially a source of organic, hormone, and chemical free meat! 6 is the in-town limit for hens, so as long as we are in town we have our max number of hens already. Too bad because there are so many I want to raise someday that I would love to add to my flock if I could!
haha yeah i find that to be really funny considering they probally consume lots of products that the trashy rednecks raise. Like eggs,chicken,beef,milk,turkey,fruits,veggies etc. I have also heard people have *talk talk* about hillbilly ways to but you just got to ignore them lol.
Hello and welcome to BYC
If your chickens make you happy, who cares about the neighbours?

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