incubating silkie eggs


Jul 30, 2016
toowoomba Australia
Hi all, i am a silkie lover and have tried now 3 times to hatch with no success yet, twice under a hen and now under a incubator. Had 24 eggs in this incubator, discovered yesterday at day 21 that only 3 were feetile. Checked one of the three today, it was under developed for day 22, still had a full yolk sack. Im leaving the other two but am sure they will be weak hatches. Im wanting to try again in an incubator, please give me tips as i am using a yellow ce incubator that is unable to be seen through . Only way to see is to open it. I am thinking to put the next eggs in and just not touch at all for 3 weeks
Hi and welcome to BYC - glad that you have joined us. I'd suggest posting on the "hatch a long" or "incubating and hatching eggs" forum for the best advice.

Good luck
IF you have been opening the incubator OFTEN, I think that could be a major part of your problem. Are you certain the rooster is doing his job well?
Silkies are hard to hatch. I will send you a pm. :)

Hey guys !! Thanks for the warm welcome. These are eggs i have sourced from a breeder as i live in town and cant have roosters. Im thinking that yes me opening the incubator to candle the eggs often has slowed the process. Im leaving it alone hoping the two eggs do hatch, and have placed an order for more eggs. Its gotta happen eventually!!

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