Gracie-an almost 3 year old black australorp, with blood all over her face. Pic is from that night after wiping her face. I wasn't able to find the very specific point or cause of the bleeding. I cleaned her face and she spent the night in the garage eating the cat food. Yesterday she stayed in the garage as we were gone all day for an important appointment two hours away but I did see her up and moving.
She had some discharge on her face that seemed to be mucous although I'm not sure if it's nasal, but saw no infection type yellow discharge on her comb/beak where we believe the blood was coming from. One of her eyes is shut (the one in the pic) and i can only assume from dried blood or perhaps it was harmed in the initial injury. However she's not very active right now (although she's one of the more calm laid back girls) and her wings are drooping down.
Looks like she's been beaten up. Combs with a tiny nick can bleed a lot. How's the drama situation in your flock, do you have any new birds, a rooster, have they been shut in more than usual...?
Clean out her eyes with saline, wipe away any crusties, foam or pus from the eyes, if she still has blood in her beak, swab that out of the beak. Put some Terramycin eye ointment or Original Neosporin in her eyes.
A photo of how she stands and of her poop would be good.
Check her for any bruising (greenish tinted skin) under the wings, along the breast, etc.
Do work on hydration. I'd give her electrolytes or a bit of sugar water.
Does she lay eggs? If she hasn't, then I'd start giving her Calcium Citrate+D3 once daily for 3-5days.