Injured chicken after a fox attack

Nov 19, 2024
Hey everyone, last week there was a fox in our coop, and it killed 19 chickens (my parents think that the fox probably got stuck in the coop, couldn't find the way out, and because of that it killed that many chickens). A few of them got injured, and we had to euthanize them, there is one injured chicken left that has a problem with her leg, we're thinking that maybe she got pushed or thrown somehow? but anyway, today my mom noticed that there is a greenish spot on her skin, it looks like a bruise, but she thinks it might be that her gallbladder ruptured. i couldn't find any info on it, maybe someone has dealt with this before? could the chicken survive almost a week with a ruptured gallbladder? she eats a lot, tho she doesn't seem to want to drink. (my mom is giving all the chickens some water with vitamins)


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That is a bruise, which is normal from the injury. The gallbladder is a black organ way inside the abdomen. Try mixing some chicken feed with water to an oatmeal consistency and a little soft cooked egg. Pour a little water onto the egg. Hold it in front of her. Sprinkle some chick crumbles to tempt her to eat.
update: we found out that the bruise goes all around her injured leg, but she is trying to stand up already :) (we hope that it doesn't mean that her leg was broken or dislocated, cause we do not have any vets around us, but the good thing is that she is moving her toes)

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