
May 6, 2024
Hello !
I’ve stumbled upon this website while searching for some advice on what to do in my situation. I want to start with some background info before I discuss the scenario I’m in. I live around a large body of water and the neighbors from across the pond bought ducks from tractor supply about 3 years ago and once they were mature released them. I’ve fed them so much that they swim over to me just by whistling and even eat out of my hand and sit by me. This past spring I’ve noticed one female being bullied and aggressively mated with the males. One of her eyes is really messed up and the other isn’t much better, so she has a very hard time seeing. I also believe she’s recently been attacked by another animal in the area, as her neck and head are raw. I’ve tried to nurse her and release her back to the flock, but these males are relentless and bullied her out yet again. I currently have a make shift pen in my yard for her, but don’t know what to do. How can I help her heal ? Is she okay to be isolated in the pen ? What do I do since I can’t release her ? Just as reference l’m a senior in college and have no idea what the hell I’m doing. Any advice on a more appropriate pen and path to recovery ? I just want what’s best for her. I’ve also noticed the flock has split off into 2 groups, with one group consisting of 2 females and 2 males (which has another injured female). Should I take in that flock and add the original duck with them ?
Thanks !
Thank you for caring for this injured duck. Kind soul .

Are the ducks pekins? (White ducks)

How many are there (how many females and how many males)?

I am guessing 2 or more males and only the one female as that would be a typical sex ratio in ducklings bought from Tractor Supply.

You to need to keep the female separate from the males until she is healed. You can bath an injured eye with salt solution. Dissolve 1 tspn salt in 1 cup of boiled and cooled water. Wipe with pieces of clean old cloth or cotton wool balls.

Domestic ducks from Tractor Supply need to sleep in a secure duck house at night. It sounds like your neighbor's ducks are just out on the pond 24/7 which is very dangerous as they are vulnerable to predators.

To stop your girl being "bullied", actually over mated, the ratio of ducks to drakes needs increasing to 3 or 4 females to 1 drake. Unless you are willing to take on the commitment for a flock of ducks longterm, that solution will not work for you.

That means you need to rehome the female duck and do what you can to protect the remaining drakes. Female ducks are generally reasonably easy to rehome. Where are you -- city and state?

Some Humane Societies will arrange for adoption of domestic ducks. Your local chapter of the ASPCA also might. You might advertise on your state thread on Backyard Chickens. If you post your city and State, I will give you the link to your state thread. Also advertise on local social media, emphasizing that she is being advertised as a backyard pet. Do not advertise on Craig's List as that is the fastest route to a cooking pot.

The only ways to help the drakes are the same, but much more difficult. They need to be in a secure duck house at night and they need rehoming if you cannot keep them

Thank you for doing your best
I’ve also noticed the flock has split off into 2 groups, with one group consisting of 2 females and 2 males (which has another injured female). Should I take in that flock and add the original duck with them ?
Thanks !
Ok, I now see that there are more females, also being over-mated by other drakes. Those two females also need separating from the males . You need to rehome the three females. Perhaps the three females and one drake could be rehomed together

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