Injured Duckling


May 26, 2022
Laurelville, Ohio USA
Hey all. I need some advice. One of my young ducklings has been attacked by one of my larger male ducks. They are separated, but every once in a while one of them will get over on the other side. When I went to put them to bed tonight, I noticed one of my females was missing. Thank goodness I found her. But this is how I found her. I'm not sure if I should be an antibiotic on her back and head. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have her inside with me. Decided to leave her be tonight so she has time to calm down. Thank you so much in advance. I really don't want to lose her.


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I'm sorry to hear about your duck.

When you can, get some well lit photos of her injuries.

It looks like she's been scalped, are the eyes damaged too?

For the head, face and eyes, use saline to clean the wounds. Apply triple antibiotic ointment to the skin to help keep it moist.
For her back, you can also use the same method of cleaning the wounds. Keep the ointment on the wounds.

IF her eyes have been damage, rinse them with saline remove any debris. Apply your triple antibiotic ointment into the eye or you can use Terramycin eye ointment.

Hopefully others will chime in with some care tips. I do know she needs to have water available to dip the beak, but I'd also try to get some electrolytes into her to hydrate and work through shock.

Hope she makes it.
I'm sorry to hear about your duck.

When you can, get some well lit photos of her injuries.

It looks like she's been scalped, are the eyes damaged too?

For the head, face and eyes, use saline to clean the wounds. Apply triple antibiotic ointment to the skin to help keep it moist.
For her back, you can also use the same method of cleaning the wounds. Keep the ointment on the wounds.

IF her eyes have been damage, rinse them with saline remove any debris. Apply your triple antibiotic ointment into the eye or you can use Terramycin eye ointment.

Hopefully others will chime in with some care tips. I do know she needs to have water available to dip the beak, but I'd also try to get some electrolytes into her to hydrate and work through shock.

Hope she makes it.
Thank you so much. Her eyes looked fine. I have water and food in the box with her. I really appreciate the advice and help.
Hey all. I need some advice. One of my young ducklings has been attacked by one of my larger male ducks. They are separated, but every once in a while one of them will get over on the other side. When I went to put them to bed tonight, I noticed one of my females was missing. Thank goodness I found her. But this is how I found her. I'm not sure if I should be an antibiotic on her back and head. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have her inside with me. Decided to leave her be tonight so she has time to calm down. Thank you so much in advance. I really don't want to lose her.
I am so sorry that she is so badly hurt. You have been given good advice and hopefully she will make it.
@Wyorp Rock has given great advise only thing I would add is please keep her inside while she has open wounds or you’ll be dealing with maggots the flies will lay eggs. Bless its heart it really got eaten up.
Thank you so much for replying. I was planning on keeping her inside for another day or so. She has no open wounds, but I will feel better knowing she's healing.

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