Over egg-sposed
I have a rooster that appears to be injured. I believe it's his hip or thigh on the left hand side. He cannot stand up and he lays on his right supporting himself with his wing out. This is a 5-month-old Bielefelder.
He will eat an 81 mg aspirin right out of my hand, so we have given him that two days. I also started off with some nutri drench and transition to rooster booster in his water.
I have him separated from the other chickens so that he cannot jump up on things. But that means he's in our bathroom most of the day in a chicken crate. This makes him isolated.
I was thinking about getting one of these chicken slings so that I could possibly suspend him somewhere so he could see people and interact without putting stress on his joint. Has anyone had any luck with this?
This is the chicken sling
Will this work and is there anything else that I should consider doing? I was thinking about giving him some scrambled eggs with turmeric in the mornings as a breakfast treat for added protein and a little anti-inflammatory boost. I know that I can't give him the aspirin for more than another day or two. How long does this kind of injury usually take to heal
He will eat an 81 mg aspirin right out of my hand, so we have given him that two days. I also started off with some nutri drench and transition to rooster booster in his water.
I have him separated from the other chickens so that he cannot jump up on things. But that means he's in our bathroom most of the day in a chicken crate. This makes him isolated.
I was thinking about getting one of these chicken slings so that I could possibly suspend him somewhere so he could see people and interact without putting stress on his joint. Has anyone had any luck with this?
This is the chicken sling
Will this work and is there anything else that I should consider doing? I was thinking about giving him some scrambled eggs with turmeric in the mornings as a breakfast treat for added protein and a little anti-inflammatory boost. I know that I can't give him the aspirin for more than another day or two. How long does this kind of injury usually take to heal