Integrating a single hen into existing flock


In the Brooder
Jun 24, 2024
We have a 12 week old Brahma hen who's only other flock mate was a Brahma rooster that passed away 2 days ago. I am her "mother hen" so she follows me everywhere. We had yet to integrate the Brahma babies with our existing flock of 10(1 australorp rooster), +2 male guineas. I now feel the pressure to get her integrated but as our chickens free range they do pick on her.
Need advice on how to make this integration with as little stress possible since she's been thru so much already. She's my baby and very spoiled đź’•
Arguably, the best way to integrate is the "look but don't touch" method. Setup a temporary structure where she can stay, but be separated from the other birds. One example would be a small fenced structure where they free range. Make sure she has supplies and shade during the day. Let them have a few days to a week to get used to each other without direct contact.

Then you can let her out and give her supervised interaction. There will be come pecking order challenges, but those should be over fairly soon. I've had good experiences with this system. Good luck.

Here is an article with more details:
Arguably, the best way to integrate is the "look but don't touch" method. Setup a temporary structure where she can stay, but be separated from the other birds. One example would be a small fenced structure where they free range. Make sure she has supplies and shade during the day. Let them have a few days to a week to get used to each other without direct contact.

Then you can let her out and give her supervised interaction. There will be come pecking order challenges, but those should be over fairly soon. I've had good experiences with this system. Good luck.

Here is an article with more details:
She has already free ranged with my existing flock for about a month. They still chase her so I'm afraid to put her in the coop with them, unattended.
Should I start over with the introduction process of "look but can't touch"?
They chase her or they peck her periodically? Pecking occasionally can just mean that she is low on the pecking order. If she's already been with them for a month, I'm not sure what to do. You can try "look but don't touch", but that is a way to introduce new flockmates. I'm not sure what it will do after a month. Good luck.
We had the same thing happen but our 3 died from different reasons we had a gate up between the 2 groups but now we have it down we had our fence up for about a month but now it’s down and seems to be just fine no worry some signs yet
My leghorns were chased and pecked even after keeping them in a look but don't touch divided run until the chicks were 3 months old.I let them have the whole run while the main flock free ranged a few hrs a day but kept them separated until they started laying.My flock still gave them all hell until they fought back. Now the older flock are the ones hiding so you can make things worse trying to make certain breeds get along. My Doms still stay in one group and the leghorns in another

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