I know this will vary from flock to flock but I wanted to see what you guys thought. I have 3 Bovans from 2019. I integrated with them 5 Plymouth rocks in June 2020 and it was sooooo hard. I did everything right (sectioned off portion of coop so they could be together yet seperated for 4 weeks, let them merge after foraging, etc). It was hard and the Bovans were visious and I had to save the little ones often. When they got bigger, they got better at staying away from the mean girls and mostly stay in seperate groups but roost all together at night. Now I have five 12 week old Australorps quarantining at a safe but visible distance from my existing flock. Im dreading integrating to the point where I'm concidering giving my bovans away in the hopes that that would reset the pecking order and help the australops integrate better with the other hens. My other options would be to swap in the new birds with the bovans for a week or so and then re-integrating the bovan. Would that just create too many levels of chaos/stress for everyone?
I know this will vary from flock to flock but I wanted to see what you guys thought. I have 3 Bovans from 2019. I integrated with them 5 Plymouth rocks in June 2020 and it was sooooo hard. I did everything right (sectioned off portion of coop so they could be together yet seperated for 4 weeks, let them merge after foraging, etc). It was hard and the Bovans were visious and I had to save the little ones often. When they got bigger, they got better at staying away from the mean girls and mostly stay in seperate groups but roost all together at night. Now I have five 12 week old Australorps quarantining at a safe but visible distance from my existing flock. Im dreading integrating to the point where I'm concidering giving my bovans away in the hopes that that would reset the pecking order and help the australops integrate better with the other hens. My other options would be to swap in the new birds with the bovans for a week or so and then re-integrating the bovan. Would that just create too many levels of chaos/stress for everyone?