Interesting Day 4 Embryo Photos: Trauma and Control Eggs

Susan Skylark

Apr 9, 2024
Midwestern US
I am trying to get decent pictures of candling eggs, the ones I have are a bit blurry due to being taken in the dark while holding the camera in one hand and the egg with the other. I set up the tripod and my little remote thing and also tried various 'holders' as well as holding eggs by hand. I have a bunch of Day 4 quail eggs I was playing with and the results were surprising, not what I was going for but really interesting. I wanted photos that look like what you see, not the camera's ideal version of it, in that I failed, but what I did get is kind of cool. There are three pictures following, the first with an 0 is my control egg, just a normal boring egg. The two others are marked 2 or 3, meaning they were put in a box and tossed around, thrown down the stairs, etc. for either 2 or 3 days before incubation (trying to mimic shipping trauma). Look at the pics and notice any differences:


0 egg, what fantastic vasculature!


3 Egg: three days of repeated trauma, a little blurry due to hand holding but notice anything compared to the 0 egg?


The 2 Egg, two days of trauma, very similar to the 3 egg but very different from 0 egg.

The difference in the veining is crazy, all the same age, stored at the same conditions, just roughed up 2 and 3. As a caveat the 0 egg is a celadon (blue) so it is lighter in color and easier to candle, but both of the others are lighter tan eggs as well. I wanted to see the difference in development between normal and trauma eggs, wasn't expecting this! It is only 3 eggs, but it appears like trauma inhibits or impairs vein formation in developing embryos, they can grow and develop but there is a big difference between a normal and a traumatized egg. Will definitely bear watching.

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