introducing 2 pullets to flock


In the Brooder
May 1, 2024
I have 16 week old pullets I hatched in April, today I’m rehoming 3 roosters so the flock is going thru some changes already then I bought 2 pullets born in March at a livestock swap today also… I want to know the best way to integrate. I currently have chicken wire in my run separating them so they can see and smell and not hurt each other. How long should I do this? Also I want to put a small dog kennel in my coop so they 2 pullets will be safe again also. Is this a good idea?
Figure maybe a week or two of see but no touch to start. The kennel in the coop is for overnight safety I assume? That should work fine as long as it's not too small, might want to put chicken wire or cardboard over the sides if the gaps in the wire are big enough for other birds to stick their heads in and peck.

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