Introducing chicks to chicks before flock?


Jun 12, 2021
Denver, CO
I am on year two of raising chickens, so this is my first year integrating flocks. I've been educating myself on introducing pullets to adults, but I have a question since I have different aged chicks/pullets currently housed separately.

I have two batches of chicks that I hatched one month apart. Currently, five are 2.5 weeks old and three are 6.5 weeks old. I also have four year-old hens. I have raised them all separately so far. I was curious... what would be the best method for integrating this flock?

For convenience, it would be great if I could combine brooders and introduce the young batch to the teenage batch (and I could continue to provide appropriate heat for the young ones). If now is too early, what would be the ideal ages to merge them? Or, should I wait until they are all meeting the hens to introduce the two younger batches to one another?

Thank you so much for your help!

Breakdown of breeds in case that feels relevant:
2.5 weeks old: three "olive egger" hybrids, two silkies*
6.5 weeks old: one cockerel americauna, one pullet americauna, one pullet light brahma
One year old (all hens): one dark brahma, one "easter egger" hybrid, one salmon faverolle, one silver laced wyandotte

*If you think I could introduce the olive eggers to the teenagers first, I would be open to separating the silkies and keeping them separate for longer
I actually have two age groups I introduced to one another that were a month apart. They get on good. I want to combine for ease of transition. You can introduce them to one another through wire (see no touch no) or put a few In there and watch and see what happens since they're all young. If an issue arrives it could be from the young roo. I introduced month olds to two month olds and then a three month roo with three month Wyandottes. One month and two month got a long, three month and one month no. I was there to observe to pull them out though. I can't wait till I have a big coop..I know how inconvenient it is to have everyone separate and you have to feed everyone..
I actually have two age groups I introduced to one another that were a month apart. They get on good. I want to combine for ease of transition. You can introduce them to one another through wire (see no touch no) or put a few In there and watch and see what happens since they're all young. If an issue arrives it could be from the young roo. I introduced month olds to two month olds and then a three month roo with three month Wyandottes. One month and two month got a long, three month and one month no. I was there to observe to pull them out though. I can't wait till I have a big coop..I know how inconvenient it is to have everyone separate and you have to feed everyone..
This is so helpful! Thank you!

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