Introducing Ducklings to Drakes

Check craigs list for an older girl. Later I the season. People often give them up after the summer month due to winter care.
I did get two of my female Hens from CL. One was a Muscovy and the other one was a Khaki Campbell. I was lucky that the man traded my drakes for them and they were only 3 months old so there was no money exchange and I was able to rehome my two drakes. They were Mule drakes and he knew someone that was looking for Mules so I lucked out.
I see several questions like this on here but no definitive answers.

I currently have five khaki Campbell ducks: two drakes and three hens. The two drakes do chase each other and fight a little but nothing overly aggressive. One female hangs with the more aggressive drake, and two females hang with the less aggressive drake when they're free-ranging.

Anyway, I'm planning to get four female ducklings in the next week or two to hopefully calm things down a bit in the future. Learning towards Welsh Harlequins, though if my local Tractor Supply has female ducklings when I go next week, I may just get whatever breed they have.

At what age can I put the ducklings in with the drakes? I do think the more aggressive one will try to mate with them immediately or claim them for his own since he's really only got one lady at the moment.
Drakes will try to mate with the terrified ducklings. It was dreadful to watch. The two ducks that were raised with my drake submitted willingly to his advances, but all five introduced later never really accepted him and it was a brute force thing. Meh! After three years I finally culled the drake. It’s pretty peaceful since then.

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